Skyrim Special Edition
7 Sins Wrath  AI Enhanced

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  1. Brigand231
    • premium
    • 349 kudos
    Finally, I agree with the AI.  I like what it did with the hair and skin tone.
    1. Lisnpuppy
      • premium
      • 205 kudos
      Well, I obviously have not disliked any I have posted (or I wouldn't have) but yeah this was nice in many ways.  The AI just does weird stuff though but I think since it tries to make it more realistic that doesn't speak well for a blue elf usually (so the blue skin became fabric in this one.)  It fixes ears, changes "un-natural" skin tones, etc. I am slowly learning more about what it does.  

      But it HATES hands and fingers and fingernails.   It just does weird crap.  I have to "fix" stuff in GIMP and let me tell you, I have like no artistic talent especially trying to draw with a mouse (and a shaky hand ha ha.)  I have to crop things out or completely abandon things sometimes.  

      Overall, I think both pics turned out well.  Not sure it was worth the 2 days I spent on it.  *grin*
    2. Brigand231
      • premium
      • 349 kudos
      As long as you enjoy the journey it's time well spent.