Skyrim Special Edition
My Savage 2

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  1. Brigand231
    • premium
    • 349 kudos
    I like the new expression, which is somewhat surprising for an AI image.
    1. Lisnpuppy
      • premium
      • 205 kudos
      Yeah, sometimes it gives me a good one.  I sometimes have to run the patcher on the mouth.  It does weird crap sometimes.  Oh, and I typically have to paint in a tooth cause it will "shadow" them a wee bit too much and the teeth will look odd.
      And it hates hands....or elf ears or any non-human skin tone.   Usually it makes skin pale and any eyes it deems to fantastical all turn blue.  So the AI is racist?  ha ha ha  So I have to re-do eyes in Gimp and let me tell you I am getting good at hiding mistakes behind eyelashes.  Don't get me started on all the hair I had to draw in on the left side on her to hide what it did to the elf ear.   I hate doing hair!!!! 
    2. Brigand231
      • premium
      • 349 kudos
      Don't get me wrong, I'm all for empowering oneself to enjoy their game their way, but it almost sounds like it's more trouble than it's worth.  I'm glad it's fun for you.
    3. Lisnpuppy
      • premium
      • 205 kudos
      Compared to my lack of talent, including being unable to draw a straight line with a ruler, this is not so bad.  I always wanted to learn how to paint hair and I think I am getting pretty good even if it is an exacting process sometimes.  It almost is a personal challenge to me know, trying to get a good run and then fixing stuff.  It is like, what can I do to get the skin tone to stick or fix it.  I have learned so much more about Gimp than I ever thought I would learn.   Still, it gives me a semi-creative outlet.  I usually write, but this is a nice change.  Part photographer, part professional dresser, part-artist.   I often call my game my "Skyrim Barbie" since I do that just as much as I run around killing giants, and those awful Thalmor.  :)