The Dragonborn's Bestiary - Counters

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  1. JPSteel2
    • premium
    • 2,246 kudos
    Each entry now has three types of counters, one for kills, one for summons and one for transformations. The kill counter is always visible, even when it's at 0. The other two will only be displayed if they have been incremented for a given creature.
  2. SandGentleman
    • premium
    • 39 kudos
    I can't believe how epic this is! Instadownloading when it comes out!
  3. ChrisKley
    • supporter
    • 115 kudos
    ahhhhhh, you added a kill counter! I am very pleased to see that
  4. TheSurpriser
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    sooo siiick
  5. Liquide34
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Wow, this reminds me of the Fallout VATS system. Very cool.
  6. shadowuser07
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    I am super glad you went with the 3d model in dynamic pose style like the Witcher 3, cause it meant it would be faster to make and patch too, if you went with hand drawn style like God of War Ragnarok it would have been significantly slower to make and a nightmare to patch for other beast mods
  7. sasan1dovahkiin
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    This looks amazing, well done, i hope TES6 would have this in the base game
  8. hoangdai94
    • member
    • 79 kudos
  9. CaptainGreenCoin
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    i need this so bad 
    1. JPSteel2
      • premium
      • 2,246 kudos
      Almost done!
    2. CaptainGreenCoin
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      YEEEEEEEES thx you so much this mod will be perfect for my mod list
  10. SilverViperUA
    • premium
    • 17 kudos
    are the stats below (resistance, weakness and loot) written manually or generated automatically? Best if it could be controlled due to different game overhauls doing different things, especially Requiem which even has weapon type resistances (slash, blunt, pierce).
    1. JPSteel2
      • premium
      • 2,246 kudos
      It is written manually in a json, the text can be freely chosen and the icon is selected from a list of keywords
      The mod detects if a resistance mod is installed (Resistances and Weaknesses, Know Your Enemy 2 or Requiem) and loads the corresponding preset, otherwise defaults to vanilla.
      The R&W and vanilla slots are currently done
    2. IpponDropkick
      • premium
      • 8 kudos
      "The mod detects if a resistance mod is installed (Resistances and Weaknesses, Know Your Enemy 2 or Requiem) and loads the corresponding preset, otherwise defaults to vanilla."

      Are you KIDDING me? That's amazing!
    3. JPSteel2
      • premium
      • 2,246 kudos
      Thanks! I can add additional slots for other mods if people have suggestions
  11. majesticginger
    • premium
    • 14 kudos
    edit: oops i see you literally answered this already, have a nice day 

    just wondering, idk if its automatically integrated by design or if it will need a patch, but how do the weaknesses/resistances play with mods like Know your enemy
    1. JPSteel2
      • premium
      • 2,246 kudos
      No problem :)