Angel and Devil

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This user's image description contains 22 images. Some authors like to showcase more of their work in their image descriptions or use the image description to provide a storyboard for the image provided.

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  1. ntz1n
    • premium
    • 153 kudos
    This is a masterpiece! You got me with "red horn lady" as an Angel hahaaha I tought she was the Devil

    And ending with a question was such a great move from you (I hope that will be a continue...) 😁👌
    Love the screenshots too

    Keep this great work, we love to see it damn
    1. TheJazzEnjoyer
      • supporter
      • 48 kudos
      Thanks a ton, man! I'm also a big fan of your tour works - Kaiba and Sthan :) 🫰💞
  2. serkethetyt
    • premium
    • 969 kudos
    Always love your edits, Jazzy! This one is specially cool with the text! 💖
    1. TheJazzEnjoyer
      • supporter
      • 48 kudos
      Thanks, Serket! Means a lot coming from you :) 💞