Skyrim Special Edition
Some random screenshots again

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  1. BlueGunk
    • premium
    • 107 kudos
    These are fabulous!
    1. KitsuuneNivis
      • premium
      • 647 kudos
      Thanks! :)
  2. gurleygirl
    • premium
    • 380 kudos
    Always a pleasure to view your lovely scenes.
    Love the kitty and the little TKAA girl looking distracted.
    The water scene with the lilypads is gorgeous; nice trees and rock formations.
    The blonde lady is wearing one of my favorite hairstyles and looks like a real Nord woman.
    Well done.
    1. KitsuuneNivis
      • premium
      • 647 kudos
      Always a pleasure to read your comments as well, especially with your on point gif selection lately! :D
    2. gurleygirl
      • premium
      • 380 kudos
      I do a lot of ENB testing and just downloaded your ENB preset, Silent Skies for Obsidian Weathers.
      You know me; I do a detailed analysis of everything. hahaa
      So I will take a bunch of screenshots under a wide variety of locations and conditions and share my results.
      I read you Description page and I'm very impressed with your expert detailed explanations.
      I already had most of your recommendations set but I did change: bUse64bitsHDRRenderTarget=0
      Thanks for the tip.
    3. KitsuuneNivis
      • premium
      • 647 kudos
      Looking forward to the results. Some more feedback on how I can further improve the preset is always welcome!
      I thought, if I'm going to make a preset that focuses on customization I should include a detailed description as well. I'm glad to see that the effort was worth it.