Skyrim Special Edition
Become a Werewolf Lord

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I have just completed the mod "Night of the Wolf" a mod that allows you to master the beast form and become a Werewolf Lord.

This image is but one example of the form, all races are supported...

- Werewolf Lords have an animated transformation where they will fall to the ground with additional growling sound FX as the beast tries to free itself
- Werewolf Lords benefit from higher carry weight, greater unarmed damage, greater melee damage and greater bash damage
- Werewolf Lords will sprint faster and have higher stamina regeneration
- Werewolf Lords have passive enemy detection (Think Auspex from Sacrosanct or Supernatural Awareness from COTV or Dungeons and Dovahs Vampirism System)
- Werewolf Lords will have the ability to see in the Dark (With a Reddish Hue instead of Blue)
- Werewolf Lord Unarmed Power Attacks will throw the enemy to the ground (With added sound FX)
- Werewolf Lords will gain Golden Eyes upon transforming and will beable to assume and revert form as many times as they like
- Werewolf Lord non-beast Males will gain additional facial hair
- Werewolf Lord non-beast races will gain pointed ears
- Werewolf Lord non-beast races will gain claws and will swipe instead of punch (Khajiit and Argonians already swipe)
- Werewolf Lords will be attacked on sight