Skyrim Special Edition

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"Three Eras have my eyes saw, all of them have been violent.  You think the Oblivion Crisis and the return of Dragons is terrifying? You mortals can't begin to understand the horrors of Molag Bal's Planemeld Or Tiber Septim's wars of conquest, the latter had a body count so great he had ships with hulls full of the dead to be discarded in Rosecrea. But the one thing all mortals share is their fear of my teeth, I am a vampire lord and I will master the thu'um to raise not just the deceased mortals as my thraals but I shall even make Dragons serve me in battle.  The civil war of the Empire and the Stormcloaks won't even be a moment in history once my stories have been written.  Don't fear the dragons, fear for me when I come in the night to satisfy my thirst." - Ghrulda Red-Ice, Volkihar Clan Vampire.