Skyrim Special Edition
Acadia Emerald

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Hello, everyone, I hope you like the image. 

This is my third character in Skyrim named Acadia Emerald aka the White Empress. I've been creating a story for her and her backstory when she was a child. Her story is "not-lore friendly" I changed a lot of things into the Dark Brotherhood's story into my own. Even the future of the Brotherhood. Basically, the game Skyrim wouldn't exist in her story. Just another name.  She gained immortality way after she was into the brotherhood. She completed her goal on making the Brotherhood to its former glory and reviving Lucian, her dear best friend that guided her into the Brotherhood. She lived over 173 years before the events of Skyrim and changed history defeating both the Empire and the Admeri Dominion. Even killing the Emperor in his Palace in the Imperial City. In the end, she was the most feared assassin out of all of Nirn. Everyone knew her and she is the most powerful "white Empress" from existence. 

After a few years later, Sithis took everyone from within the Brotherhood including himself and the Night Mother disappeared from existence except her dear friend Seraphim a Black Wolf that has red glowing eyes. Her Dark Family was taken away once again after the purification in Oblivion in the Cheydinhal Sanctuary. Even her real family was taken away from her.

Acadia's parents were killed by executions when she was a kid. Wanting revenge. Trained herself for many years before adulthood and she went on her own. So much anger in her that every night she kills a guard. After joining the Dark Brotherhood at the age of 26, she kept going for more and more contacts kept getting promoted (Like in the game) until eventually, she became the Listener hearing the Night Mother for the first time and actually meeting her. Acadia dream was to meet the Night Mother and her dream became a reality. 

That's some of her story. I just wanted to share this. And what my third character looks like ^^ Her creations on her story and her design is my precious creation. I also have digital art of her too ^^

And yes I made my own lore.
She's supposed to have white fluffy wolf ears and tail but I can't find any mods that make them 

Her story is still going on, having her own organization, a large city, and fortress between Skyrim and Bruma. Soon it will be in the futuristic timeline. (Almost like star wars but she travels through a different dimension, let's just say our timeline in the year 2025. When her "Super Starship"  and her large fleet appears from hyperspace and into Earth's Atmosphere) Acadia Emerald aka The White Empress has arrived.

Thank you ^^