Skyrim Special Edition
Orcs Expanded - Stronghold and Equipment Overhaul First Album

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  1. Bersark93
    • premium
    • 201 kudos
    Awesome I've been meaning to work on he strongholds for myself they're so tiny and neglected and could feel way more nordic than they should, I look forward to seeing this finished :D
    1. JP193
      • premium
      • 77 kudos
      You can still do so if you want a quick fix, or heck just edit mine for your personal taste when it's public.

      I agree they should be a little more Northern, since iirc they have the second highest cold resistance in the game (survival mode stats) and some Orcs say they've been in Skyrim even before the Nords. Plus some strongholds are walking distance from major cities but apparently the Nords haven't engaged in trade and diplomacy with them? :p

      Thanks for the interest!