Skyrim Special Edition
Whiterun Paradise

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Fan-made mods featured in this pic (Xbox One):

Surreal LIghting - Arindel
HN66's Long Eyelashes - AlpineYJ
Hybrids HD Plants and Herbs Retexture Port - TheLawfull
TLS Insectopia - TheLawfull
Dynamic Display Settings - LazerBombingRiver

Cats of Skyrim - Tarshana (Can't find it on my Bethesda account anymore but it's Tarshana on the Nexus.)
Bijin AiO Replacer by Rxkx22 [XB1] 
GT's - Gardens of Whiterun [XB1] - Greenthumb914 
(This is/was only available for Xbox One. There is another one I found once with the same title, which makes Whiterun more of a dark vampirc, gothy bleak place, which is also something I might try on a pc playthough sometime!! <3)
MAP - Project Hippie [XB1] - Rifleman399  (This adds way more trees!!)
Cherry Blossoms Normal Version - SolidSkorpio (Turns all of your Aspen trees into Sakura!!)
Thoth6222 - Tress of the Rockies - AlpineYJ (This makes your spruce really pop!!)
Pumpkins - RealZurg