Skyrim Special Edition
Reach Pineforest WIP

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  1. gurleygirl
    • premium
    • 379 kudos
    Looks great.
    1. Grumbledoook
      • premium
      • 273 kudos
      yes im amazing
    2. gurleygirl
      • premium
      • 379 kudos
      Let me ask you this: are you basically renaming files from Vurt's trees to replace the Vanilla trees in the Reach or are you also placing trees in locations other than the Vanilla locations?
    3. Grumbledoook
      • premium
      • 273 kudos
      My mod replaces vanilla Reach tree models with pines, and realigns them on their axis so they're not at crazy angles.

      You can't just replace the Reach trees without re-aligning them, because the original objects are placed at severe angles which work with the smaller, cliff-faring trees.

      Do you have any idea how long it took me to straighten almost every tree in the reach manually
    4. gurleygirl
      • premium
      • 379 kudos
      Hahaa, no clue; I'm not a mod developer but I salute your determination. :)
      Thank you. I hope you receive the permissions needed to publish your work.
    5. Ryc3rZ
      • premium
      • 27 kudos
      He is right, mathy79 who made 3D trees also replaced reach trees with pines and they appear like fallen pine trees which looks horrible at some scenes.