Skyrim Special Edition
whaT doeS lorefriendlY eveN meaN

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  1. etholas
    • supporter
    • 54 kudos
    I'd define it as 'in keeping with the lore of the world or setting'. Another aspect to consider is the plausibility of the type of armour within the context of the environment. For example, I personally find it hard to believe that a woman would be wandering around in a bikini in an environment that is cold enough to induce hypothermia within minutes.
    1. Wast1980
      • premium
      • 262 kudos
      And then someone would argue "but Nords have a higher frost tolerance".
      I made this as some kind of joke, I like both, lore friendly immersive things as well as fantasy. So my Mod setups change at a daily basis...
      And I think Bethesda lost every clue about their own lore.
      By the way in the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest, germans were known to fight bare chested, men and women.
      A nimble well trained warrior can be as hard to kill as a full armored Roman soldier. The Romans lost big time by the way.
    2. etholas
      • supporter
      • 54 kudos
      Very true and very valid points. They weren't the only ones to fight nude or partially nude either. As always it's a matter of taste and preference as opposed to prescriptive behaviour and abusive bullying. Similar to the Nexus philosophy of 'If you don't like it, don't use it, move along quietly.' Personally I like what you've created as it fits my own personal tastes and perspective.
  2. Zella
    • premium
    • 90 kudos
    You have my vote for "Lore Friendly" and Well Done as well. Thanks for sharing.
    1. Wast1980
      • premium
      • 262 kudos
      Thank you!
      You are welcome!