Skyrim Special Edition
The Final Step

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another pseudo blog post-

conditional idles 1.4. it took a veery long time to figure out the rhythm for making movement animations but i'm about 60% done, and the rest should hopefully go by much faster.
having the vanilla run/walk as reference in blender made everything a lot easier, it's just time consuming with all the format converting, then adding footstep sounds, converting to SE, testing, etc.
that being said the run/walk is 100% functional. blends properly in 8 directions, footstep sounds, matches vanilla well

it also took me about 5 hours of troubleshooting but i got an MCM working as well! that does mean the mod will have a plugin, but only to introduce global variables for the toggle in the DAR conditions, nothing more. i'll be taking out options like allowing older versions of idles and such mostly just because it's much more tedious to set up compared to how it is with a FOMOD installer. aside from it being annoying, i'm also unsure about how DAR would handle 6 copies of long weather checks for different variations of cold/shield, since it would be necessary to have all the folders simultaneously if it's all going to be in the MCM. so for now my decision is just to only have new stuff available. i can always add them back later if people still want old animations i suppose.

anyway! here's my progress:
weather support: added climates of tamriel (thank you @AMGarkin!)
cold conditions: cleaned, condensed from 3 folders to 1 (thank you @Saipher604!)
injured walk & run - 16 animations: done
shield walk & run - 17 animations: done
cold walk & run - 17 animations: done
modesty male walk & run - 16 animations: not started
modesty female walk & run - 17 animations: not started
stamina stage 1 (new!) - 1 idle: done
stamina stage 2 (redoing it because of clipping) - 1 idle: halfway there
might also tweak stretch/headache again
MCM: got script working for cold, just need to copy paste a ton for the others and maybe make a pretty cover photo

the image above:
NVT ENB + hunter's dream (on LL) and made a new hairstyle


  1. Rayden
    • premium
    • 68 kudos
    thank you! your contribution to modding Skyrim really can't be underestimated :)
  2. AndoYugo
    • supporter
    • 8 kudos
    You've done such a good job with these mods! :DD THanks
  3. Rekuda
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    one of the best modders, super looking forward to it!
    wuv u <3
  4. LordPhoenix82nd
    • premium
    • 33 kudos
    Yes! I'm super stoked
  5. Metalyard
    • member
    • 30 kudos
    Great work!!

    Please, injured walk & run for NPCs too!

    Best regards :)
  6. HeavyBurns
    • premium
    • 76 kudos
    Looking forward to the update! Conditional idles has become pretty much essential to me since it came out. Will be amazing to see it expanded to compensate movement! 
  7. Corvinus18
    • premium
    • 76 kudos
    nice! thatnks for your hard work on this mods!

    Your mods change the expierience we feell in that old 10  years old game