Skyrim Special Edition
Speak Elf

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  1. Excellentium
    • member
    • 354 kudos
    Fantastic character indeed and it's delightful to see her in different surroundings instead of just posing at the same place. It adds to the sense of adventure and that she's "on the move"...

    I also have to ask, because I'm rather obsessed by hair with physics and it looks as if this hairstyle comes with it. Is the hair mod available in public somewhere? I've used a lot when I played LE/Enderal and got addicted to them, but it seems to be very few available for SE. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated...
    1. Morgte
      • supporter
      • 13 kudos
      Thank you for the lovely comments, I too am a little obsessed with hair physics, and scoured the internet to fed my addiction, sadly as you said there are very few out there that I liked. Along with KShairdo's on the Nexus,  I also use  Dint999 hair SMP mods, I rarely use patreon but his hair mods are worth every penny. He's up there with Kozakowy for me, Love those modders' work. If you find any others please let me know, I'm always on the look out for more! 
    2. Excellentium
      • member
      • 354 kudos
      Yeah, those two are the once I've been using too so far. I was hoping this hairstyle you've used for your wonderful elf lass was from another pack that I might've missed somehow...

      The only other option with hair physics I've found for SE is this one and it includes one of the mods made by Dint999. It's basically more KS hairstyles done with physics, but there are also a few others. All these are wigs though and although that's normally a deal breaker for me, I can't object against it when getting some lovely swaying hair for my characters...
    3. Morgte
      • supporter
      • 13 kudos
      Yes, that's one I've used too, and you're so right, now when I'm playing seeing lanterns and hair swaying slightly in the breeze is a deal-breaker for me now. I'll keep scouring
  2. PoeticAnt44
    • premium
    • 931 kudos
    Gorgeous character and love the shots!
    1. Morgte
      • supporter
      • 13 kudos
      Thank you, love playing an elf and getting a different perspective on the story.