Skyrim Special Edition

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  1. peggykarter
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    absolutely gorgeous, I love how well you frame your screenshots!

    I only switched to High Poly Heads a few months ago, but I've gotten really used to it and now I use it on all my characters! I have a lot of popular NPC replacers like Bijin, Pandorables etc which iirc don't have HPH, but I also use Pride of Skyrim for men, which is based on HPH, and I haven't really noticed too many FPS drops - or at least they're not that noticeable compared to the flora, settlements, and additional NPC mods I use, lol. I'm also a huge fan of the High Poly NPCs mod, which makes new NPCs originating from mods look so good.

    however, as much as I love HPH and it won't be leaving my load order anytime soon, if there was an NPC replacer that wasn't HPH and I liked the visuals better than another replacer that did come with HPH, I'd choose the former in a heartbeat - usually with well-done mods I can hardly tell the difference, and to me it's the spirit that matters, if you can call it that (like with your replacers, which are absolutely gorgeous!)
    1. Erydia
      • premium
      • 337 kudos
      Thanks a lot!

      I noticed having lots of high poly stuff around actually affects my performance  >.< but that is because my PC is getting old. However, I love high poly heads, though I am torn if I should update some of my replacers to HPH or not; on the other hand, as you said it doesn't make so much difference in some cases. For example, I notice a big difference when I use FoV 20 and look up close, but I would certainly never play with such a small FoV; overall I can't see the details unless I really pay attention.

      I think I will keep the low-poly vanilla heads for now and maybe release one mod dependent on HPH to see how it is received.

      Thanks a lot for the support! <3
  2. xLACO
    • premium
    • 253 kudos
    Wow, very beautiful! Your shots are really amazing!
    1. Erydia
      • premium
      • 337 kudos
      Thanks a lot!