Skyrim Special Edition
The Defiant - A Customizable Ship Player Home

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  1. robertkorkor
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    Wow looks cool is this still a thing? :D
    1. jple
      • premium
      • 130 kudos
      It's something I'd like to finish one day. My bar for quality has elevated though. Got better at mesh creation/editing, scripting etc so I'd like to remake/rewrite parts of it to make it easier to add new locations you can travel to. Currently have some other mods I'm more inspired to work on, but when I feel like it I'll work on this one again.
    2. robertkorkor
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      I see. Well I love all your work thus far. Good luck with all of your future projects! Glad to hear this one's not dead though! :D
  2. Nostalgic
    • premium
    • 22 kudos
    Is this still being worked on? I was looking forward to such a unique player home / travel mod.

    Looking forward to it if it is!
    1. CzechHero
      • premium
      • 130 kudos
      Yes, still being worked on. The ship itself and the travel system are basically finished. Currently working on a quest to obtain the ship. I'd like the player to be able to obtain it in an interactive way, not just get a key/buy it with gold. Current idea is that it's a wreck you have to repair, but the ship is cursed and you need to complete a short quest first to undo it. Hope to have it finished in a month or two!
    2. Nostalgic
      • premium
      • 22 kudos
      That is wonderful news! I will be looking forward to its release! It sounds like a really well implemented ship mod, so I am excited to try it out. Will there be a system to hire "crew" as well? It could be just as simple as sandboxing around the ship, but I'm just curious if that's something you've planned to add.

      I love the idea that you come across the ship in a wreck and have to lift a curse before you get to take it over.
    3. CzechHero
      • premium
      • 130 kudos
      A basic crew system is already implemented, something akin to the steward system in Hearthfire. Currently you can have up to 3 crew members, each decreasing the time it takes the ship to travel. I'm having some issues with sandboxing on the outside because of the travel system. Just something I'll have to fix by teleporting the crew to a marker in the new location, or if that doesn't work, limiting the sandboxing to inside only.
    4. Nostalgic
      • premium
      • 22 kudos
      Hope you are doing well, and enjoying the development of the player ship! Just wanted to stop by again and say I'm excited to see what it looks like in game and start playing with it.

      Hopefully you haven't run into too many complications with the last bit of dev work. Keep up the great work!
  3. thumbincubation
    • member
    • 66 kudos
    I am loving the hammocks and other details.  Even has a brig. :)