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About this mod

A little better vanilla perks.

Permissions and credits
Perks++ is an attempt to fix issues of vanilla perks without reinventing the wheel. Highly compatible. Aimed at people who think that vanilla perks are good enough, but wish certain things were better. Probably not fully balanced, but it's not like vanilla game is balanced either.

Some of the new perks are based on Vokrii. If you want more serious overhaul, I suggest checking it out.

  • 2 new perks
  • rescales dual casting (2.5 damage increase instead of 2.2)
  • makes Destruction perk tree a little more interesting
  • adds support for unaspected spells in Destruction tree
  • Quiet Casting no longer requires heavy investment in Illusion
  • adds support for holy knight build with new Restoration perk
  • armor perks no longer require helmet
  • adds dagger support for One Handed perk tree
  • power attack perk scales with stamina to support low health, high stamina build
  • Sweep perk changed to support Precision mod
  • more user friendly Alchemy
  • changed Unbreakable perk in Lockpicking tree to not make Skeleton Key obsolete
  • improved Sneaking
  • Speech separated to merchant side and speech side
  • Progression rework of Smithing perk tree

Detailed description of changes. Use wiki to compare with vanilla perks.
Red colored perks - new perks.
colored perks - perk has been entirely remade.
Green colored perks - minor changes to perk's effect.
White colored perks - changes to perk tree position or requirements.

No changes

Buffed Dark Souls perk, since it was not in line with atronach summoning spells.

  • Dark Souls - Reanimated undead have 150 points more Health.

Balanced and reworked final fire/frost/shock perks. Improved Impact and Rune Master perk. Added support for unaspected spells.

  • Rune Master - Can place up to two 20% stronger runes three times farther away.
  • Devouring Flames (70/Augmented Flames) - Fire spells ignite targets below 30% Health, dealing extra damage for 5 seconds. (previously Intense Flames)
  • Chilling Frost (70/Augmented Frost) - Frost spells reduce attack speed by 20% and inflict 15% weakness to frost for 10 seconds. (previously Deep Freeze)
  • Defeaning Shock (70/Augmented Shock) - Shock spells have 20% chance to silence targets for 2 seconds.
    (previously Disintegrate)
  • Impact (50/Destruction Dual Casting) - Projectile based Destruction spells have 30% chance to stagger their targets when dual cast.
  • Arcane Amplification (30/70/Apprentice Destruction) - Unaspected Destruction spells and effects are 25%/50% more powerful.

Separated Fire/Frost/Shock Enchanter perks, no need to invest into all 3 if you just want Storm perk. Changed level requirements for other perks.

  • Fire Enchanter (30/Enchanter) - Fire enchantments on weapons and armor are 25% stronger.
  • Frost Enchanter (30/Enchanter) - Frost enchantments on weapons and armor are 25% stronger.
  • Storm Enchanter (30/Enchanter) - Shock enchantments on weapons and armor are 25% stronger.
  • Insightful Enchanter (40/Enchanter) - Skill enchantments on armor are 25% stronger.
  • Soul Squeezer (30/Enchanter) - Soul gems provide extra Magicka for recharging.
  • Soul Siphon (60/Soul Squeezer) - Death blows to creatures, but not people, trap 5% of the victim's soul, recharging the weapon.

Changed position of Quiet Casting, so there is no need to invest into entirely new perk tree just for one perk. Master of the Mind can be obtained earlier.

  • Quiet Casting (30/Novice Illusion) - All spells you cast from any school of magic are silent to others.
  • Master of the Mind (70/Kindred Mage) - Illusion spells work on undead, Daedra, and automatons.

Necromage is an ITM to ensure that perk works on the player, as Todd intended. Added new perk to support holy knight themed builds.

  • Necromage (70/Regeneration ) - All spells are more effective against undead. (including player)
  • Divine Illumination (50/Apprentice) - Sun spells deal 80% damage to the living, daedra, automatons and dragons.

Smithing perk tree doesn't really make sense. It is divided to light and heavy armor sides, but weapon progression is completely different, and one of the heavy armor perks is actually on the light armor side. If you install AE and add all of the new armors it makes even less sense. So I've made it a linear perk tree.

  • Dwarven Smithing (30/Steel Smithing)
  • Elven Smithing (40/Dwarven Smithing)
  • Advanced Smithing (50/Elven Smithing)
  • Orcish Smithing (60/Advanced Smithing)
  • Glass Smithing (70/Orcish Smithing)
  • Ebony Smithing (80/Glass Smithing)
  • Daedric Smithing (90/Ebony Smithing)
  • Dragon Smithing (100/Daedric Smithing)

I might be biased but I just don't like final perk, so I have changed it. No more changes.

  • Bullseye (100/Ranger) - Ranged weapons slow targets by 15% for 15 seconds.

Just perk value change in description, because vanilla description doesn't match actual effect.

  • Shield Wall (0/20/40/60/80) - Blocking is 10/20/30/40/50% more effective.

Heavy Armor
Helmet is no longer required for perks to work. Reworked Reflect Blows into new perk since it's extremely weak in vanilla.

  • Cushioned (50/Fists of Steel) - Half damage from falling if wearing at least three pieces of Heavy Armor: chest, hands, feet.
  • Well Fitted (30/Juggernaut) - 25% Armor bonus if wearing at least three pieces of Heavy Armor: chest, hands, feet.
  • Matching Set (70/Tower of Strength) - Additional 25% Armor bonus if wearing a matched three or more pieces of Heavy Armor.
  • Unyielding Steel (100/Matching Set) - Your Health regenerates 50% faster when you fall below 50% Health.
    (previously Reflect Blows)

One Handed
Remade Savage Strike perk to support new build types. Added dagger support for Bladesman.

  • Savage Strikes (50/Fighting Stance) - One-handed power attacks do 0.1% more damage per point of Stamina. Unlocks decapitations.
  • Bladesman (30/60/90) - Attacks with swords and daggers have a 10/15/20% chance of doing critical damage.

No changes. It's messy perk tree, but any kind of changes can create need of patching. So it will stay vanilla for the time being.

Two handed
Changed Devastating Blows in line with changed One Handed perk. Disabled multi-target attack for Sweep to support Precision. It's a really good mod, at least once you configure hitboxes in MCM.

  • Devastating Blows (50/Champion's Stance) - Two-handed power attacks do 0.1% more damage per point of Stamina. Unlocks decapitations.
  • Sweep (70/Great Critical Charge || Devastating Blows) - Sideways power attacks with two-handed weapons have 35% chance to stagger enemy.

A little simplified alchemy tree, and a bunch of improvements. Merged Experimenter perks into one.

  • Experimenter (50/Benefactor) - Eating an ingredient reveals all its effects.
  • Slow Metabolism (60/Experimenter) - All potions and food with beneficial effects last twice as long.
  • Snakeblood (80/Slow Metabolism || Concentrated Poison) - 50% resistance to all poisons.

Light Armor
Similar to heavy armor helmet is no longer needed.
Buffed Deft Movement a little.

  • Custom Fit (30/Agile defender) - 25% Armor bonus if wearing at least three pieces of Light Armor: chest, hands, feet.
  • Matching Set (70/Custom Fit) - Additional 25% Armor bonus if wearing a matched three pieces or more of Light Armor.
  • Wind Walker (70/Unhindered) - Stamina regenerates 50% faster in at least three pieces of Light Armor: chest, hands, feet.
  • Deft Movement (100/Wind Walker || Matching Set) - 15% chance of avoiding all damage from a melee attack while wearing at least three pieces of Light Armor: chest, hands, feet.

Only one perk changed, which was OP in vanilla.

  • Steady Hand (100/Locksmith) - Lockpicks are two times more durable. (previously Unbreakable)

No changes.

Sneak is weaker at first (10% instead of 20%), but is better later (50% instead of 40%).

  • Stealth (20/40/60/80) - You are 10/20/30/40/50% harder to detect when sneaking.

Generally the same thing, but perks have been moved around to make more sense. I have divided it into "merchant part" and "speech part".

  • Master Trader (100/Investor) - Every merchant in the world gains 1000 gold for bartering.
  • Fence (80/Persuasion) - Can barter stolen goods with any merchant.

Minimal amount of new perks means it's highly compatible. New 2 perks are focused on very specific builds, meaning they won't need patching since new NPCs most likely won't ever need these perks.

Patches are needed for:
  • magic overhauls
  • sun spell overhauls

Confirmed out of the box compatibility with:
  • Natura
  • Abyss
  • Arcane
All 3 benefit from Arcane Amplification perk. Probably the rest of Darenii's spell packs should work too. Inquisition most likely needs a patch.

Potential plans for the future
Nerfs to light armor - in late game light armor is similar to heavy armor but better, so I think game might benefit from balance changes. I might reduce 25% armor bonus later.

Additional Notes
It's my first perk mod, so some things might not work properly. I did test it so I don't expect it to brick save files, but it's not out of the question that one or two effects might not work as intended. Leave a comment or report a bug if something is not working as expected.

Forgive me horrible formatting of the description. Nexusmods text editor randomly changes things on its own, or doesn't save changes at all, so it will stay the way it is.