About this mod

2 types of daggers with color variations. Craftable and temperable. 2K and 1K textures. Optional OAR/DAR animation replacer for right-hand and dual-wielding attacks of daggers available. ESL flagged.

Permissions and credits
Adds two types of Tonfas with color variations as daggers.

 You can craft them at a Forge and temper them at a Grindstone. You need to have a clutter item named [Tonfa Crafting Mastery] in your inventory in order to craft them at a forge. You can craft one from a potato at a forge, or use a mod like AddItemMenu to acquire it.

 If you have Container Item Distributor installed, you can buy all the items in this mod from Lisbet in Markarth at full price.

 There are two patches named "Tonfa - Attack Animation Replacer DAR" and "Tonfa - Attack Animation - Alternative Idle" in "OPTIONAL FILES". Please see my screenshot for their differences. They replace some of the Vanilla right-hand and dual-wielding attack animations of daggers with modded ones while equipping a weapon from this mod.

Animations in ver.1.0:




・ Added an alternative animation set with a different idle animation for dual Tonfas.

・ Added a new wooden model with 4 color variations.


・ Replaced the animation of the right-hand stationary power attack with a new one.

・ The optional file now replaces some of the vanilla animations of the dual-wielding attacks with modded ones while equipping a tonfa.


・ Removed the dependency on an irrelevant plugin.



 1. Container Item Distributor (Optional.)

 2. Open Animation Replacer (Optional. Required for the patch.)

 3. Dynamic Animation Replacer (Optional. Required for the patch.)



 Pick one from the two main files (2K or 1K) to install with your mod manager.

 You need to have Open Animation Replacer or Dynamic Animation Replacer installed and activated in order for the patch in "OPTIONAL FILES" to take effect.


 None to my knowledge.

 Please let me know if you find any conflict issues. You could post a comment in the "POSTS" section, or send me a PM. I might be able to create patches to fix them.



 1. 3BA BodySlide preset used in the screenshots: V3+ Type-2A of Sporty and Realistic CBBE 3BA V3 - BodySlide Preset

 2. Skin texture used in the screenshots: LOVERGIRL version of Sporty and Cute Skin CBBE

 3. Outfit used in the screenshots: Modern Sportswear - CBBE 3BA,
 4. RaceMenu preset used in the screenshots: JD's Semi-Realistic NPC - Elisif - ESPFE

 5. Lisbet replacer used in the screenshot: JD's Semi-Realistic NPC - Lisbet - ESPFE



 1. Kairomitsu: Tonfa

 2. wialord and s13579239: Cross and Jab Special Edition (Better Unarmed Animations)

 3. Eskyrim: Unarmed 4-Direcitonal Power Attacks, and Unarmed Normal and Power Combo for Skysa

 4. ambientcg.com: Wood 028