About this mod

Sky Haven Exterior Meditation Garden & Practice Yard, Karthspire Blades Camp, Expanded Nightingale Hall, Riften Guildmaster’s Manor, 8 Blades Knights, 4 Nightingales, 4 Blackguard Thieves, 4 College Spellswords, 4 College Wizards, Enchanted Faction Armor/Weapon Sets, Guildmaster's Shadow Ability, Auto-Fill Apothecary Jars, Auto-Stack Vault

Permissions and credits
Full Faction Expansion with New Buildings, Followers, Gear & Player Abilities.

A Follower Pack SSE expands faction headquarters and adds faction followers while remaining compatible with mods that modify the interior of the main faction headquarters. For maximum compatibility with other mods the interior of Sky Haven Temple, Thieves Guild HQ and Winterhold College are left almost completely unaltered. It is also compatible with follower management mods.

New content includes 2 fully furnished player quarters, 1 multiple adoption compatible player house, system to manage multiple "house guest" followers in each location, new/improved faction armor/weapon enchantments, new armor/weapon models, new follower combat visual FX, customized follower combat styles, skill-bonus granting crafting stations, a super efficient smelter, many auto-filling apothecary jars, an auto-stacking interactive private vault themed wealth display and XP granting combat practice dummies/targets. Extra beds and living quarters are also added in each location for your current or custom followers to use.

This mod adds player homes, exterior structures, buildings and new interior cells to the Blades Faction, the Thieves Guild Faction including the Nightingales, and the Winterhold College Faction. These structural additions are populated by new support NPCs and followers. 24 fully integrated high-level capable player-perk utilizing followers are added to Skyrim's factions to allow game-long follower use from level 1 to 150. Followers are unique, essential, utilize player only perks and include all playable races in Skyrim. Vanilla integration includes faction located living quarters and daily AI activity schedules so the new followers have a "Skyrim life" to live when they are not following you. Individual followers are listed by race at the bottom of this page.

Blades Faction:

Sky Haven Temple Exterior - Meditation Garden & Practice Yard

Multiple cherry blossom trees with ever-falling flower pedals ring the entire front side of the mountaintop. All Blades warriors relax and meditate in an Akaviri style temple garden with a flowing water feature filled with fish, flying insects, multiple bridges, flowered lily pads, paper lanterns, a bathing pond on the wall of the mountain and a 2 tiered waterfall dropping off of the plateau all the way down to the river in the valley below. Includes multiple “sit ledge” and “sit ground” idle markers for NPCs to meditate on. This Zen garden allows the Blades warriors to focus their minds and follow the “Way”.

Sky Haven Temple's exterior practice yard is cleaned up and expanded as the Blades quests are completed. Additional practice targets and dummies are added to accommodate the 8 new Blades Knights added to the expanded day and night melee/archery/meditation schedules. All dummies and targets provide experience points when used by the player. The archery target's bulls-eye gives a x2 multiplier at normal range and a x10 multiplier at extreme long range. Fully integrated daily training schedules are shared by the 3 vanilla Blades recruits, Delphine and Esbern - or - the 10 “Sky Haven Temple Restored and Expanded” Blades recruits, Delphine and Esbern if that mod is installed.

Stairs on the far side of the garden lead up to the roof of the Temple and the back side of the mountaintop where a 9 dragon aviary will be located in future updates of this mod. (Dragons to be added when I figure out how to make followers reliably mount and ride dragons.)

Karthspire – Blades Barracks & Support Settlement

Inside Karthspire mountain the Sky Haven Temple entrance courtyard area, the “puzzle pillar canyon” area and the Forsworn camp in the entrance cavern entrance are cleaned up and expanded as the Blades quests are completed. The large forsworn camp outside of the mountain is converted to a Blades Camp in the same way. There is a 3 day minimum wait time between build stages to prevent rebuilding the whole mountain in one day. To avoid any conflicts with mods that alter the interior of the temple this mod does not alter the interior cell of Sky Haven Temple.

The door to the Blades Barracks and the Blacksmith's Forge are both located in the courtyard area. The Barracks contains a storage-safe player's room, one private room for each of the Blades Knights, 4 extra bedrooms for other followers and the Blades configuration candle on the desk in the player's room. The configuration candle Barracks menu toggles on or off the Blades Helm/No-Helm setting, Bow/Crossbow setting and Vanilla-Gear/Enchanted-Gear setting. It also allows the bed in the players room to be assigned to either Delphine or Esbern moving their quarters from Sky Haven Temple with the recruits to the Barracks with the knights. 8 Blades Knights are enabled when the Barracks is opened up for use. Using 1 day and 1 night shift the knights sleep in the Barracks, eat in the Mess Hall, practice/meditate in the yard/garden and relax in Sky Haven Temple in their off time or on bad weather days.

Barracks Management:

The barracks management ledger is located next to the configuration candle in the player's quarters. The ledger menu allows any regular follower to be assigned one of the four extra rooms in the barracks as a guest/visitor. Guests are integrated into the Sky Haven daily routine. The 1st two guests are added to the day-shift AI schedule and the last two guests are added to the night-shift AI Schedule. Guests are dismissed using their room number. You may need to wait until the guest goes to sleep to determine their room number. Rooms are numbered 1-4 starting on the right when entering the barracks from the courtyard.

The Blades Forge:

The Blacksmith sells vanilla Blades gear, leveled Armor of the Way and Dragonstrike gear. His forge, workbench, sharpening wheel and tanning rack provide a 25%, 50% or 75% bonus to any crafter's smithing skill. The smelter provides a x1.1, x1.25, x1.5,x1.75 or x2 ingot multiplier when smelting all ores or scrap metals. All enchanted smithing stations emit a red light when the bonus is active. The Blades Barracks configuration candle smithing menu allows user configuration of the smithing and ingot bonuses.

The Blades Support Settlement:

The farmer couple's house and produce farm are located in the canyon area. The farm produces potatoes, wheat, cabbage, squash, carrots, leeks, eggs, chicken, beef, yellow mountain flowers, canis roots and jazbay grapes. The farm has a Hearthfire wheat grinding stone to make flour.

The Mess Hall and worker living quarters are located in the entrance cavern. Kitchen crafting facilities include 2 stew pots on deck and a spit roaster over an open fire. Multiple eating tables and self-serve mead kegs provide active furniture for multiple separately scheduled breakfast/supper dining groups including the Blades Knights, all the support workers/vendors and both shifts of exterior Blades guards.

A Bard, an Alchemist, an Enchanter and a General Merchant work all day inside Sky Haven Temple and eat/sleep in the Mess Hall and workers quarters. The Cook works all day in the Mess Hall. These vendors are quartered in two communal sleeping rooms and spend their “off time” relaxing in Sky Haven Temple's main room enjoying the Bard's music and a pint or two.

The Blades Support Camp:

The Blades guard towers, horse stables and the stable worker's house are located outside the mountain in the cleaned-up/converted Forsworn camp. There are 12 re-spawning Blades Guardsmen working day/night shift patrols and guard-stations. They sleep/relax in and around the 2 guard towers and eat breakfast/supper inside the mountain in the Mess Hall. The local Forsworn will try to retake the Karthspire camp periodically.

There is a functioning player-horse stable at the entrance of the camp and a large Blades stable at the back of the camp. The 8 named Blades horses will not attack enemies and are free for the player or followers to use. The 2 stable workers work around the stable, sleep/relax/fish in their house on the dock and eat breakfast/supper with the other workers.

Blades Knights – Skills & Abilities

The 8 Blades Knights are well trained heavy armor wearing shield bashing one-handed swordsmen with no fear of dragons or any other foe. They have a customized “aggressive tank” combat style and they display the Dragon Aspect Arms visual effect when in combat near the Dragonborn. (Their arms light up.)

Dragon Aspect Arms Ability -
+25 armor points and + 25% damage while active

Heavy Armor -
Juggernaut, Conditioning, Reflect Blows, Tower of Strength, Fist of Steel, Cushioned, Well Fitted

Blocking -
Elemental Protection, Shield Wall, Deflect Arrows, Block Runner, Shield Charge, Power Bash, Deadly Bash, Disarming Bash

One Handed Weapons -
Armsman, Bladesman, Fighting Stance, Critical Charge, Paralyzing Strike, Savage Strike

Archery -
Overdraw, Critical Shot

New Blades Gear – Armor of the Way & Dragonstrike Weapons

The new Blades Knight gear boosts their stats and provides extra combat damage making them great at fighting Dragons, Undead and Werebeasts. The new ebony Armor of the Way and witch-steel Dragonstrike Weapons are worn by all Blades Knights by default. Blades recruits can be equipped with the new gear by purchasing it from the Blacksmith. All of the new gear can be equipped by the player and disenchanted to learn the enchantments.

The knights' default gear is configured through the Blades Barracks configuration candle and is automatically upgraded to your current level every time you ask them to follow you. There are 8 levels of enchantment triggered at levels 1, 19, 32, 45, 60, 75, 90, 100 for armor or 1, 19, 27, 36, 46, 60, 75, 90, 100 for weapons.

Helm Enchantment –
Fortify Persuasion, Water Breathing, Resist Disease

Cuirass Enchantment –
Fortify Armor Rating, Fortify Heavy Armor Skill, Fortify Health, Fortify Health Regeneration, Resist Poison

Gauntlets Enchantment -
Fortify One Handed Skill, Fortify Blocking Skill,Fortify Archery Skill, Resist Magic, Resist Fire

Boots Enchantment –
Fortify Stamina, Fortify Stamina Regeneration, Fortify Movement Speed, Resist Shock, Resist Frost

Shield Enchantment –
Reflect Attack (stagger), Spellbreaker Ward (when blocking), Stendarr's Aura (visual FX sun cloak when fighting undead), Fortify Armor Rating, Reflect Blows (damage)

Sword Enchantment –
Windshear Bash, Shock Damage, Extra Damage to Dragons, Silvered Edge (extra damage to vampires, undead, ghosts and werebeasts), Banish (daedra or elementals), Soul Trap

Bow Enchantment –
Sun Damage, Fire Damage, Extra Damage to Dragons, Silvered Edge (extra damage to vampires, undead, ghosts and werebeasts), Banish (daedra or elementals), Soul Trap

Thieves Guild Faction:

Nightingale Hall – Faction Headquarters & Living Areas

The interior of Nightingale Hall is fully restored and expanded with repeated visits to the hall. There is a 3 day waiting period between build stages to prevent restoring the entire hall overnight. Additions include a new dormitory tower, an armory, an alchemy/enchanting room, a kitchen, a common eating/reading area, a camouflaged secret entrance, a fully functional Nightingale Armor-stone, a walk-in portal to the Twilight Sepulcher and 3 skylights in the main cavern.

Living Quarters:

The Nightingale dormitory has a fully furnished storage-safe player's room and a private room for each of the 6 Nightingale followers including Karliah and Brynjolf. Using the Nightingale configuration candle menu allows the player's bed to be reassigned to Karliah moving her quarters from her tiny dorm room to the large leader's/player's quarters. The player's bed in Riftweald Manor can also be reassigned to Brynjolf by using this candle's menu moving his quarters there but he will still visit Nightingale Hall to practice and talk with Karliah about guild business. There are up to 3 extra dorm rooms for other followers depending on the Nightingale Hall and Riftweald Manor player bed assignments. 4 New Nightingale followers are enabled with the dormitory. They live, work, practice and daytime relax in Nightingale Hall but go to town at night to relax in the Bee and Barb tavern.

The Armory:

The Armory is located in 3 spots. The old practice tower has an armor workbench, weapon sharpening wheel, tanning rack, melee practice dummies, weapon racks and shield mounts. The approach tower to the Nightingale ritual room has 6 armor display mannequins. The archery practice range and the forge are located in the larger main cavern for the needed space and ventilation. The melee practice dummies and archery targets provide experience points when used by the player. The archery target's bulls-eye gives a x2 multiplier at normal range and a x10 multiplier at extreme long range. Fully integrated daily melee and archery training schedules are shared by the 4 new Nightingales, Karliah and Brynjolf.

Potion and Enchantment Crafting:

The Alchemy and Enchanting room has 1 mannequin, a regular enchanting workstation, an enchanted alchemy workstation, 108 auto-filling Apothecary Ingredient Jars and some rare ingredients including Jarrin Root. This alchemy table is Karliah's favorite and provides the user with a 25% or 50% alchemy skill bonus to anyone using it. The table emits a green light when the bonus is active.

Each Apothecary jar will automatically fill itself with the first ingredient put into it at a fill rate of 5, 10 or 25 units per day up to a maximum stock of 25, 50 or 100 units per jar. Jars can be reset by crouching into sneak mode and activating the jar. After putting in the starting item open the jar at least once to start the refill timer. Fill rate and max stock can be configured using the Apothecary menu on the Nightingale Configuration Candle located in the player room in the dormitory. Auto fill works for all vanilla and DLC ingredients but may not work for every modded ingredient. (item must have the vanilla vendor-ingredient keyword)

The Nightingale Armor Stone:

The Nightingale armor-stone is disabled during the vanilla quest but now it is re-scripted to be used anytime you want to change into your Nightingale armor “super hero style” or just want to upgrade your Nightingale armor to your current level. (visual FX have been added) Using the stone the 1st time gives you the original set of Nightingale armor that you must equip to advance the vanilla Nightingale quest. Using it the 2nd time converts the original armor to shadow armor if that setting is set in the configuration menu. It also enables an alter to Nocturnal in the same room that provides Nocturnal's blessing. To use the new armor on the vanilla quest be sure to use the stone the second time before continuing on to the gate.

Restored Features:

The main cavern terrace is where the fully stocked kitchen and common area is located. The kitchen has a pot on the fire and a pot on the table for anyone to use. There is a large dining table where Nightingales gather for breakfast/supper and a few reading/relaxing tables using the rest of the space. There are also multiple “sit ground” and “sit ledge” idle markers placed around the room for NPCs to use while relaxing.

The rock-door that hides the entrance door's exterior is disabled during the vanilla quest but it is now re-enabled for repeated use. A raised stone button on the outside and a pull chain on the inside are used to activate the door. (stone button can be activated, pushed, bashed or shot) This door automatically closes when all Nightingales are clear of the entrance area and automatically opens for any Nightingale NPC. (player must open manually)

There was supposed to be a portal to the Twilight Sepulcher in Nightingale Hall enabled during the vanilla quest but it seems to never have been built. A walk-in portal to the Twilight Sepulcher is now installed in the Nightingale ritual room and the old disabled gate to the room works when activated with either of the pull chains.

Important: The vanilla Nightingale quest needs Karliah to walk up to the gate chain and pull it to open the gate and advance the quest. Due to changes made to the gate Karliah may walk away from the gate area at this stage. If she does just pull the chain yourself before she walks all the way out of Nightingale Hall. (she is going to Snowveil Sanctum for some reason) When you pull the chain there will be no animation but after a 1-3 second wait the old gate will be replaced by the new working gate and the open animation will then play. Once the new gate is open Karliah will return to the ritual area and the quest will continue. (all stand on pedestals and become Nightingales)

Nightingales – Skills & Abilities

The 6 Nightingales are well trained light armor wearing dual wielding one-handed swordsmen with Ninja like stealth abilities that can cast frost, fear and frenzy spells at opponents as well as being expert shots with a bow. They have a customized “aggressive dual wielding” combat style.

Spells –
Fear, Frenzy, Frostbite, Fury, Ice Spike, Invisibility, Rout

Magic Skills –
Destruction, Restoration, Illusion, Rage, Aspect of Terror, Kindred Mage, Animage,

Stealth Skills –
Stealth, Lightfoot, Backstab, Assassins Blade, Deadly Aim, Muffled Movement, Silent Roll, Silence, Shadow Warrior

Light Armor –
Agile Defender, Custom Fit, Unhindered, Matching Set,Windwalker, Deft Movement,

One Handed Weapons -
Armsman, Bladesman, Dual Flurry, Dual Savagery, Fighting Stance, Critical Charge, Paralyzing Strike, Savage Strike

Archery -
Overdraw, Critical Shot, Ranger, Power Shot, Quick Shot,Bulls-eye

Nightingale Gear – Shadow Armor & Leveled Nightingale Enchantments

Belonging to a secret organization the Nightingale followers only equip their Shadow armor when following the player. They wear vanilla Thieves Guild leadership armor when they are not an active follower. The new Shadow Armor boosts their stats, provides extra combat damage and makes them go invisible every time stealth mode is entered. Shadow Armor and Leveled Nightingale Weapons are worn by all Nightingales by default. Vanilla Nightingale enchantments now have 7 levels of improvement for game-long usability.

The player can repeatedly upgrade their Nightingale armor and weapons to their current level using the Nightingale armor-stone while having Nightingale armor equipped or in their inventory. (if not wearing the armor the script will dress you in “super hero” fashion) Vanilla Nightingale armor will be converted to Shadow armor if set that way in the configuration candle menu.

The Nightingale's default gear is configured through the Nightingale Hall configuration candle and is automatically upgraded to your current level every time you ask them to follow you. There are 8 levels of enchantment triggered at levels 1, 19, 32, 45, 60, 75, 90, 100 for armor or 1, 19, 27, 36, 46, 60, 75, 90, 100 for weapons.

Helm Enchantment –
Fortify Illusion, Fortify Destruction, Fortify Armor Rating, Fortify Speechcraft, Resist Poison, Water Breathing

Cuirass Enchantment –
Fortify Stamina, Fortify Health, Fortify Magicka, Resist Shock, Resist Frost, Resist Fire, Nocturnal Shadowcloak ability (invisibility while sneaking)

Gauntlets Enchantment –
Backstab, Fortify One-Handed, Fortify Archery, Fortify Light Armor, Fortify Pickpocket, Fortify Lockpicking, Fortify Alchemy

Boots Enchantment –
Muffle, Fortify Sneak, Fortify Movement Speed, Fortify Carry Weight, Fortify Stamina Regeneration Rate, Fortify Health Regeneration Rate, Fortify Magicka Regeneration Rate

Sword Enchantment –
Absorb Health, Absorb Stamina, Soul Trap

Bow Enchantment –
Frost Damage, Shock Damage, Slow Movement Speed,Soul Trap

Riftweald Manor – Guildmaster's House & Blackguard Barracks

Now that the old Guildmaster is gone the new Guildmaster can move into Mercer Frey's house and enjoy the real perks of being the new leader of the guild. The title of Guildmaster now comes with a powerful new player ability called the Guildmaster's Shadow but you will need a Thief Lord's Manor to house your new Blackguards once you hire them. (details below) Riftweald Manor can be fully refurnished into a true Thief Lord's player home by using the menu on a ledger located in the master bed room. This player home is also multiple adoption ready to raise 6 sticky fingered thief kids. (fully tested)

The layout of the second floor and the basement are remodeled to include an Armory, the Blackguard's quarters, an Enchanting and Alchemy room, an auto-stacking private wealth display vault, a two bed manor guard's bedroom, a fully furnished player's master bedroom, a six bed follower's/children's bedroom and a trap door to the roof. The first floor layout remains the same but now has a fully stocked kitchen with fireplace and bar.

After the initial cleanup stage all the barred doors will work and all the bars can be lowered/raised at the same time using the pull chain in the kitchen to lock down or open the entire house. (locks/unlocks the secret door too) The ramp behind the house can be raised/lowered with a shot/strike to the moving gear located underneath it. The basement exit to the Ratway/Ragged Flagon now goes both ways using a NPC friendly levitation pad to get back up to the Riftweald door. (exits near Ragged Flagon door)

Bedrooms and Household Management:

The second floor bedrooms contain 9 follower usable beds including the player bed that can be assigned to Brynjolf using the Nightingale Hall configuration candle. The Riftweald configuration candle and ledger are located in the master bedroom. By using the Riftweald ledger menu the 6 beds in the Follower's\Children's bedroom can be repeatedly toggled to be used by either group of NPCs. 2 beds in the guard's bedroom by the door get used by the Manor Guards when they are hired.

Important: Be sure to have the children's beds enabled and all house guests dismissed before moving your kids into the house. Also be sure that Brynjolf is not assigned to the Riftweald player bed before moving your spouse into the manor. (set in Nightingale Hall config menu)

If you move your family into the house the Riftweald ledger menu will allow you to register your Spouse, 6 children and 1 pet into the household management system. Register your family after moving them to the house or when adding new members. Clear the registry after moving your family to a different house to release them from Riftweald's management system. Housetrain or dismiss pets to add/remove them from the system. Any animal follower can be housetrained.

There are plenty of child-furniture/idle-markers inside and outside of the manor allowing the kids to behave like they do in the vanilla/Hearthfire player houses. Your spouse will cook in the morning, eat breakfast/supper at the main table, watch the kids when they go outside in the afternoon, go shopping in Riften square while walking the house pet after supper, relax in the Bee & Barb tavern after the kids are put to bed and sleep in the player bed with the player. The house pet will roam the house, be walked by either the 1st or 2nd child when they go outside to play, be walked by the spouse when they go shopping and sleep next to the player's bed at night.

House Guests:

When the follower's beds are enabled in the player room ledger the guest management ledger is enabled and located on the first nightstand in the guest quarters. The ledger menu allows any regular follower to be assigned one of the six beds in the guest room as a house guest. Guests are integrated into the Riftweald daily routine. All guests will sleep in their beds, eat at the main table, relax in the house, visit all the shops/stalls in Riften and relax in the Bee & Barb tavern at night.

Guests are dismissed using their bed number. You may need to wait until the guest goes to sleep to determine their bed number. Beds are numbered 1-6 starting at the bed next to the ledger. Then beds 2-3 are on the wall to the right when entering the room from the hallway. Then
beds 4-6 continue leftwards from bed 3 around the wall.

The Manor Guards:

The Manor Guard's are heavy armor warriors that guard the front and back doors during the day. Their armor improves from iron, to steel, to dwarven and to ebony as the private vault fills up with gold and they can be used as followers if needed.

The Armory:

The Armory in the basement must be purchased before the options to hire Manor Guards or Blackguards are available in the ledger menu. Armory furnishings include 5 armor display mannequins, 5 weapon racks, an armor workbench, a weapon sharpening wheel and a tanning rack.

The Blackguard Barracks:

The Blackguard's quarters located in the basement near the Armory are furnished when the 4 Blackguards are hired. Each guard has their own room with their own possessions. After they are hired the Blackguards live in the house, eat in the kitchen, practice in the Thieves Guild and relax all night on Riftweald Manor's balconies if it is not raining or snowing. They relax inside on bad weather days. While the new Guildmaster's Shadow ability is active all four Blackguards are on Shadow Duty waiting for the spell to teleport them to the Guildmaster in times of trouble and strife.

Magic Crafting and Office Space:

The Enchanting and Alchemy room located in the basement below the secret door has 1 mannequin, an enchanting workstation, an alchemy workstation and plenty of storage. The shelves here have some spell books and rare alchemy ingredients on them. The heavily trapped passage down to the office, private vault and Ratway exit/entrance starts here. The traps are active but will not trigger on members of the Riftweald Manor Faction. (includes the player after vanilla quest is done)

In the office there is a large metal safe, a pull chain to toggle off the blade traps, 2 weapon display cases and a shield plaque. Around the corner is a set of metal bars blocking the heavily trapped passage to the vault door. The activator for the security bars is located somewhere in the office.

The Private Vault:

The private Wealth Display Vault is designed to store your wealth in a usable visual display. User configurable settings in the Riftweald configuration candle Vault menu allow up to 9,900 gold bars, 10.5 Million Gold Coins and 20,000 of each of the six types of flawless gems to be stored in the vault.

198 stacks of 20 gold bars are automatically stacked on 6 shelves in the vault as they are added to the office safe. When a stack is picked up it deposits 10, 20 or 50 gold bars in inventory. Three huge solid gold statues are enabled as the gold shelves fill up.

220 piles of gold coins are automatically piled in a mound around the center pillar in the vault as they are added to the the office safe. When a pile is picked up it deposits 1k, 10k, or 50k, gold coins in inventory.

Between 55 and 90 “composite” gems accumulate in each of 6 open chests as they drop out of 6 dwemer ports installed in the vault's ceiling. When a composite gem is picked up it deposits 10 or 100 flawless gems into inventory. When flawless gems are put in the office safe they are transferred to the vault's auto-sorting gem circulation system that holds up to 200x the gem's configuration setting. Gem displays are reset on unload putting all the gems back into circulation again.

Entrances, Exits and Escape Routes:

The stairs by the vault lead to the exit to the Ratway/Ragged Flagon. The door leads to a NPC friendly drop down near the Ragged Flagon back door. A NPC friendly automatic levitation pad lifts the player, followers and NPCs back up to the Riftweald basement door. Non-follower NPCs not belonging to the Riftweald Manor Faction do not trigger the levitation pad. (Riftweald Faction added to player when entering the house the first time after the cleanup stage)

There is a newly opened sewer grate inside the Ragged Flagon located directly above the Flagon's back door out to the Ratway. This sewer leads to the passage under the jail and the escape tunnel out of the city wall near the south gate. A new South Gate fast travel marker marks the map for convenient fast travel and quick access to the Ragged Flagon & Guild Headquarters from outside the city wall.

The second floor trap door to the roof leads to a choice of escape paths. Path 1 is to jump off the roof into the canal water directly below the Riftweald Manor front balcony to find a newly opened sewer grate in the wall under the waterline directly below the balcony that leads to the passage below the jail and the escape route out of the city's south wall. Path 2 is to use a new follower friendly fully navmeshed rooftop-to-rooftop path to the north gatehouse interior cell (new) and out of the city wall above the gate or back into Riften through the lower Gatehouse door.

The path across the rooftops has multiple navmeshed drop down spots where followers will jump off the roof with you. The spots on the roofs above the actual drop downs are marked by low embedded posts in the rooftop centers and are also located directly below the plank walks on the middle or lower ledges/balconies. Followers won't follow if you go too fast so wait for them to catch up before jumping down.

Guildmaster's Shadow – Player Ability & Perk

When activated in the Riftweald Manor Configuration Candle menu the Guildmaster's Shadow is bestowed upon the player putting all hired Blackguards on Shadow Duty waiting to be teleported to the Guildmaster in times of need. When the player is in a combat state for 60 or 120 seconds a Blackguard is randomly chosen and teleported directly in front of the player. An additional Blackguard is teleported to the player every 30, 60 or 90 seconds until the Guildmaster is no longer in a combat state. (alerted or fighting) The Blackguards return home when the battle is over. Teleport trigger times are set in the Riftweald Manor configuration candle menu.

Blackguards – Skills & Abilities

The 4 Blackguards are well trained ghost like light armor wearing sure-shot archers with highly increased firing rates and deadly close combat skills too. They have a customized “circling ranged cover fire” combat style. If they are on Shadow Duty Blackguards wear their hoods and display the ghost form visual FX when in combat.

Stealth Skills –
Stealth, Lightfoot, Deadly Aim, Muffled Movement, Silence

Light Armor –
Agile Defender, Custom Fit, Unhindered, Matching Set, Windwalker, Deft Movement,

One Handed Weapons -
Armsman, Bladesman, Dual Flurry, Dual Savagery, Fighting Stance, Critical Charge, Paralyzing Strike, Savage Strike

Archery -
Overdraw, Critical Shot, Ranger, Power Shot, Quick Shot, Bulls-eye

Blackguards Gear – New Blackguard Armor & Weapon Enchantments

The Blackguard's power is granted to them through a contract with the Daedric Prince Hermaeus Mora who's direct influence can be visually seen in the Blackguard Bow's drain health effect. (tentacles FX) The Blackguard’s gear boosts their stats and provides extra combat damage. Blackguard's gear is worn by all Blackguards by default. All of the new gear can be equipped by the player.

The Blackguards' default gear is configured through the Riftweald configuration candle menu and is automatically upgraded to your current level every time they are teleported to the player by the Guildmaster's Shadow ability and also when you ask them to follow you. There are 8 levels of enchantment triggered at levels 1, 19, 32, 45, 60, 75, 90, 100 for armor or 1, 19, 27, 36, 46, 60, 75, 90, 100 for weapons.

Helm Enchantment –
Fortify Speechcraft, Fortify Persuasion, Resist Magic

Cuirass Enchantment –
Fortify Armor Rating, Fortify Health, Fortify Light Armor, Fortify Health Regeneration Rate, Resist Frost, Waterbreathing

Gauntlets Enchantment –
Backstab, Fortify One-Handed, Fortify Archery,Fortify Blocking, Fortify Pickpocket, Fortify Lockpicking, Resist Fire

Boots Enchantment –
Muffle, Fortify Sneak, Fortify Carry Weight, Fortify Stamina, Fortify Stamina Regeneration Rate, Resist Shock

Dagger Enchantment –
Chaos Damage, Paralysis, Soul Trap

Sword Enchantment –
Chaos Damage, Windshear Bash, Soul Trap

Bow Enchantment –
Chaos Damage, Mora's Agony, Soul Trap

College of Winterhold Faction:

College Courtyard - Hall of Fellowship & Practice/Study Schedules

A door to the new "Hall of Fellowship" is added to the Winterhold College courtyard on the main tower wall by the trapdoor to the Midden. The hall is a two level underground tower with 7 private bedrooms per level. 8 rooms are occupied by the new college followers and 6 rooms are left free for use by your other followers. The lower level of the tower has a dining table where the college followers eat breakfast.

4 Wizards and 4 Spellswords live and work in the College of Winterhold. All the new college followers sleep/eat breakfast in the Hall of Fellowship and go to the tavern in Winterhold for supper and after-work free time. College followers will either study in the Arcanium or practice casting spells in the Hall of Elements with 2 groups of 4 followers alternating days in each location.

The guest management ledger is located in the top floor entry hall to your right when exiting the stairs in Fellowship Hall. The ledger menu allows any regular follower to be assigned one of the six extra rooms in the tower as a guest/visitor. Guests are fully integrated into the College of Winterhold's daily follower routine. Guests are dismissed using their room number. You may need to wait until the guest goes to sleep to determine their room number. Rooms are numbered 1-6 starting with rooms 1-3 on the right when entering the hall on the top floor and repeating for rooms 4-6 on the lower level.

Winterhold College Wizards – Skills & Abilities

Spells –
Candlelight, Close Wounds, Conjure Flame Atronach, Conjure Frost Atronach, Conjure Storm Atronach, Ebony Flesh, Fast Healing, Firebolt, Flames, Frenzy, Frostbite, Grand Healing, Heal Other, Ice Spike, Icy Spear, Incinerate, Invisibility, Lightningbolt, Paralyze, Raise Zombie, Rally Reanimate Corpse, Sparks, Thunderbolt, Greater Ward, Lesser Ward

Magic Skills –
Alteration, Conjuration, Destruction, Restoration, Illusion, Mage Armor, Magic Resistance, Necromage, Recovery, Regeneration, Respite, Quiet Casting, Ward Absorb

Stealth Skills –
Stealth, Lightfoot

Winterhold College Spellswords – Skills & Abilities

Spells –
Candlelight, Close Wounds, Conjure Flame Atronach, Conjure Frost Atronach, Conjure Storm Atronach, Ebony Flesh, Fast Healing, Firebolt, Flames, Frenzy, Frostbite, Grand Healing, Heal Other, Ice Spike, Icy Spear, Incinerate, Invisibility, Lightningbolt, Paralyze, Raise Zombie, Rally Reanimate Corpse, Sparks, Thunderbolt, Greater Ward, Lesser Ward

Magic Skills –
Alteration, Conjuration, Destruction, Restoration, Illusion, Magic Resistance, Necromage, Recovery, Regeneration, Respite, Quiet Casting, Ward Absorb

Heavy Armor –
Juggernaut, Conditioning, Reflect Blows, Tower of Strength

One Handed Weapons -
Armsman, Fighting Stance, Savage Strike, Paralyzing Strike

New Followers List:


Adriel, female, Wizard, Fellowship Hall
Tanis, male, Spellsword, Fellowship Hall
Illdor, male, Wizard, Fellowship Hall


Vistha-Sei, male Green, Blackguard, Riftweald Manor
Xal-Geh, male Red, Blade, Blades Barracks
Wuja-Ei, male Blue, Nightingale, Nightingale Hall
Ja-Xul, male Purple, Spellsword, Fellowship Hall


Faerin, male, Blackguard, Riftweald Manor
Gwaelan, male, Nightingale, Nightingale Hall


Alexia, female, Nightingale, Nightingale Hall
Gwenfyre, female, Wizard, Fellowship Hall
Gavric Reynaud, male, Blade, Blades Barracks


Seryn Ven, male, Blackguard, Riftweald Manor
Endryn Drel, male, Wizard, Fellowship Hall


Titus Janus, male, Blade, Blades Barracks


Dro-Tashpir, male, Blade, Blades Barracks
Fa'ren-Dar, male, Nightingale, Nightingale Hall


Fjorna, female, Blackguard, Riftweald Manor
Svana Stoneshield, female, Blade, Blades Barracks
Hjorik Stormhammer, male, Blade, Blades Barracks


Sharuk gra-Dul, female, Blade, Blades Barracks
Khal gro-Narzul, male, Blade, Blades Barracks
Ghorak, male, Spellsword, Fellowship Hall


Nazree, female, Spellsword, Fellowship Hall


Patches are available on the download page for full compatibility with the following mods:

The Sky Haven Temple Restored & Expanded
The Crossroads Cellar
Hearthfire Guards & Fortifications
Open Cities
JK's Skyrim

Recommended Mods:

This mod is part of a series of mods I made to work together. Other modules in the series include:

Sky Haven Temple Restored & Expanded- Recruit 10 Blades, Dragonlord Blessings-here:

The Crossroads Cellar - A shared cellar with doors to all player houses - found here:

Hearthfire Guards and Fortifications - Walkable walls, 10 guards and more - found here:

Thane Fail-Safe - Finally finish those stalled or bugged Thane quests - found here:

Works from other authors that enhance A Follower Pack SSE include the following mods:

Amazing Follower Tweaks a very popular multiple follower management mod found here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/6656

Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions
custom home support for kids and spouse found here:

My Home Is Your Home assign followers sleep/work areas to fill unused beds found here:

Open Cities Skyrim open cities allows over-the-wall escape routes in Riften found here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/281?

JK's Skyrim adds rooftop escape routes to Riften, not OC compatible found here:

Mixed Unit Tactics:

You may ask "What use are so many followers?" I use a self-ported old-rim mod called Mixed Unit Tactics to form multiple specialized units made of 3-5 followers that can be called to follow the player via shout from anywhere in Skyrim or any modded world-space. Up to 120 NPCs can follow you without effecting your vanilla follower count or any of the follower management mods like AFT and you can command your troops remotely or even from the back of a flying dragon if you like riding dragons into battle. The author of this time tested mod has not yet ported it to SSE but it is very easy to do it yourself if you have download the free Creation Kit software and any BSA file archive tool like B.A.E. Just follow the procedure below and it will work great.

-Mixed Unit Tactics Porting Procedure-

1. Download Old-rim Mod Here: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/57589/?

2. Open the ESP file in the Creation Kit, change any little thing to force a new save and then save the converted file.

3. Unpack the BSA file with a BSA utility program like B.A.E. preserving the original folder locations. (produces 1 mesh and multiple scripts)

4. Archive the files into a 7z or rar formatted file including the ESP file with the unpacked BSA contents. (including the original folders, meshes and scripts)

5. Install the mod from the archived file with a mod manager program so un-installation will clean up the loose files in the process.

There is only 1 mesh and some scripts so a loose file installation works fine in SSE. If you want to you can repack the loose files into a SSE formatted BSA before packing up the final installation archive and it will work the same. (if using loose files make sure the BSA file is not in your data folder)




Install with a mod manager or manually like you would any other mod.


This mod uses armor and weapon models from Blades Samurai Armour and Kimonos by 0Prime0

This mod uses Katanas and Wakizashis models from Weapons of the Third Era by 747823

This mod uses a longbow model from Breton Longbow by cageu

This mod uses a Samurai Helmet model from Akaviri Samurai Armor by hothtrooper44 and CD Projekt

This mod uses a paper lantern model from the mod Phitt's Morrowind Style Lanterns by Phitt and Tamira

This mod uses lily pad models from the mod Water Plants.esp by Halifax0815 - Also credits to Ztree, Vurt, Sparrow Prince and Ga-Knomboe Boy for plant texture sets.

This mod uses modified scripts from the mod Training Dummies and Targets by B1gBadDaddy