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Dr Jacopo

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About this mod

Azurite Mists obscures distant landscapes and the Sea of Ghosts with heavy volumetric mists. It does so while preserving proximal clarity and without the introduction of linear sky artifacts (as seen by its predecessors).

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  • French
This is a de novo reconstruction of the mod Volumetric Mists, created by Robanco. Why did we need a remake? The original mod introduced linear banding artifacts in the sky as well as excessive proximal haze. Azurite Mists comes with new models that are transparent unless viewed from either above or afar, not only eliminating these linear artifacts, but also restoring proximal detail while obscuring distant landscapes. Additionally, this mod features more detailed placement of mists, focusing on the many valleys of Skyrim and the Sea of Ghosts.

Compatible with all weather mods. Compatible with Cresty's Mists. Volumetric Mists by Robanco is redundant but technically compatible. Mists of Tamriel, which includes Volumetric Mists by Robanco, is also redundant in this regard but has other features, such as MannyGTs morning fogs, which make for a great addition.

On Performance
Volumetric Mists is more performance friendly than this mod. If you are struggling for performance, I recommend you use any of the Volumetric Mists versions other than Dense (which is comparable to this mod).