About this mod
Makes living entities and NPCs drop items in their inventory on death, while with type dependant loot shaders vfx. Configurable SKSE Plugin, SE/AE compatible. Inspired by MMOs and other games that have loot spillage systems.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits

This mod makes NPCs drop their loot on death, similar to MMO games. It's extremely satisfying seeing loot with pretty colors drop during a massacre.
Dropped loot will glow a specific color depending on its type.
Red = Weapons
Purple = Armor
Green = Consumable/Ingredient
Yellow = Key/Valuable
Teal = Miscellaneous
You can enable/disable armor, weapon, and other drops through the ini.
Pictures provide a demonstration of the spillage mechanic.

- Address Library for SKSE Plugins

Compatible with everything. For Hunterborn, users will want to turn off creature drops to prevent pelts simply melting off the creature on death. See the .ini file for more information.

All the loot membrane shaders are contained within the ESP flagged ESL file. I am not a vfx artist so the shaders themselves are very simplistic. Feel free to make patches to improve/change the VFX as you like.

Modding Guild (for existing)
Mrowr Purr for getting me started with SKSE
Commonlib NG contributors for making the library.
SKSE team for SKSE
meh321 for Address Library
Bethesda for making Skyrim (but not for trying to milk it)