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Original by congtuan999 and modified by turtlegodkingUploaded by
turtlegodkingVirus scan
About this mod
A version of Fantasy Cities that only adds the Seal of Solitude
- Permissions and credits
If there are any issues let me know
Credits to congtuan999 for making the original Fantasy Cities mod
If you want to help support me to make more patches and ports you can find my Patreon here
I do also take phyiscal game copies or accessories as an option if you want to do that as I have a collection I wish to continue. (DM for more info)
Non-working is fine as long as it is intact
Come join the Discord you can find some WIP versions of the ports if you want to test/use them early (Do note that test versions are not the same as final ones)
We also offer modding and porting help all you have to do is ask.
You are also more likely to get in contact with me there then in Nexus PMs
You can find it here
For those asking if I will do all of the landmarks from the set of mods:
Maybe I am mainly a LE mod author so whatever ones I do on LE will come over here
Anything from my "Old Mods Revived" project that is alowed to end up on SE will end up here
There is no list I have made public for the project yet because the list is not set in stone
Found this old mod yesterday and noticed it has a thing in it that makes it so the landmarks never unload anywhere on the map so you can see stuff like the seal from anywhere with the light still shining.
Same place as the original mod
Safe to merge
You do not need the original mod for this to work
My SE/AE install is all kinds of messed up from some special LE modding projects so no clue what the real version of the game is, it could be 1.5 - Newst
Plugin has been renamed to Fantasy Cities - Seal of Solitude to make it easier to spot in your load order
(The original was called FLOWER OF LIFE.esp)
Zero need to run DynDOLOD the author did some magic to make it always loaded from everywhere
Sometimes the light will not load in from some areas but the rest of the seal will load, not much I can do about it
Not much should be incompatible with it
Lore I pulled out my ass from my own Skyrim lore that I made the up
Long ago in a unknown time a entity of great power was sealed away in what is now know as The Seal of Solitude.
Many all throughout history have tried to unlock the power of the seal all in which failed.
Even the Psijic order had tried to learn the hidden mysteries of the seal have also failed.
To this day many still try to learn anything about it but are still as clueless as all before them.
Travelers throughout history of all forms of life and profession have used the light of the seal to guide their way though the dark nights of Skyrim and maybe it will guide you to.
Note: This "seal" has zero lore from the original author this was just me trying to add lore it is up to you if you take this as lore for the "seal" or not
Add your own lore if you do not like what I wrote as it is not said in game anywhere lore of this thing