About this mod
Lightweight Reshade for:
- clearer sharpening (especially on high resolutions/ bigger monitors)
- slight colourchanges to make it look a bit Picturesque-like (see before/ after pictures in Imagesection)
- a bit darker shadows and brighter highlights
Endorsements or picuploads appreciated :)
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
1) Install one of the following ENB´s and it´s associated requirements (NAT III ENB LINK, Cabbage ENB LINK, Azurite Horizons ENB LINK)
2) Install Reshade LINK
3) Download and unpack this mod
4) Copy and paste the Reshade preset file into your Skyrim Gamefolder
5) Launch Reshade and load the preset (If you are already using Reshade,
it`s better to uninstall previous shaders before running a new preset or install all available techniques of the ReShade program)
6) Start the game and enjoy
HINT: I´m using games TAA and no other Antialiasing. DLAA from Upscaler mod is also a good choice.
Medieval-like NAT III Version here LINK
Medieval-like Cabbage ENB Reshade here LINK
Medieval-like PI-CHO ENB Reshade here LINK
Simple Texture & Parallax Poppin here LINK
NATENBrightment here LINK
Credits to L00ping, HTWWW for their nice ENBs.