Other user's assetsAll the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources
Upload permissionYou can upload this file to other sites but you must credit me as the creator of the file
Modification permissionYou are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the features so long as you credit me as the original creator
Conversion permissionYou can convert this file to work with other games as long as you credit me as the creator of the file
Asset use permissionYou are allowed to use the assets in this file without permission as long as you credit me
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Author notes
Feel free to create and publish your own presets that are meant to work with the Alchemy of Time plugin. You are allowed to get 100% of the donation points that come from the downloads of the presets.
File credits
Thanks to - mrowrpurr for the amazing SKSE scripting tutorials that got me started. Thanks a lot for all your efforts. - NoahBoddie for helpful advice. - NoahBoddie and po3 for telling me how to refresh item lists in menus. - SkyrimThiago for helping me with mod control panel support and for the source code of Dynamic Persistent Forms that helped me correct the way I copy form components. - Everyone involved in creating and maintaining commonlib-ng.
Donation Points system
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Version 0.4.6
Fixed instances with negative or zero magnitude time modulation getting erased in rare cases.
Better nearby item detection (especially important for Cooking over Fire users).
Version 0.4.5
Optimized DLL startup and performance. Kudos to QuietPippin for reporting the lag in the level-up menu.
New INI/MCP setting "UnOwnedObjectsEvolve": Allows world objects that are not owned by the player to transform.
Version 0.4.3
New preset feature:
- Specify `containers` in yml presets under "transformers" and/or "timeModulators" fields to allow specific transformers/time modulators to take effect only in specified containers/inventories. More info in Wiki.
Version 0.4.2
New mechanics:
- Time modulators and transformers also modulate/transform world objects when nearby.
New MCP settings:
- AddToExclude (you can add things to exclude list while in-game)
- PlacedObjectsEvolve: Allow hand-placed objects (vanilla or placed by mods) to get affected by AoT.
- Adjustable update frequency for world objects in "Update Queue" section (higher settings increase responsiveness, possibly at a performance cost)
New preset features:
- New preset type: Addons. Place yml files in the new folder called "addon". See Wiki for how to use Addons.
- Specify `containers` in yml presets to allow evolution only in specified containers/inventories
- `color`: Give colors to evolving world objects. Different colors for different stages are possible.
- `art_object`: Same as above but for attaching Art Object to world objects.
- `effect_shader`: Same as above but for attaching Effect Shader to world objects.
- `sound`: Same as above but for attaching Sound Descriptor to world objects.
- You can now specify forms using local ids with delimiters: https://thiago099.github.io/spid-helper/
- Improved thread safety
- Fixed: Mod not initializing properly when "missing esp messagebox" pops up
fix the order of delayers/transformers, i.e. respect the order from presets
Version 0.3.3
Better handling of preset files
Version 0.3.2
Readded a feature that was removed by accident
Stability improvement
MCP fixes and improvements
Version 0.3.1
Support for Cooking with Fire and the likes
Version 0.3.0
Version 0.2.5
Fixed a crash when consuming items
Version 0.2.4
Stability update. Kudos to 4nik8tor.
Version 0.2.3
Stability improvement.
Version 0.2.2
Updated to work with the latest version (v2.0) of SKSE Menu Framework:
- SKSE Menu Framework is optional and does not require DLL Loader.
Version 0.2.1
Added DisableWarnings setting that disables some of the in-game warning pop-ups.
Version 0.2.0
Added Mod Control Panel (MCP) support.
Version 0.1.7
Small stability update
Version 0.1.6
Fixed: Crafting/cooking was messed up at times. Sorry about that. Now it should be fixed.
Fixed: In some cases newly added items were not initially showing up in the menu unless the menu was reopened.
Added: New INI setting "bReset". See INI settings explanation in the description for more info.
Some optimizations here and there.
Version 0.1.5
Small stability update
Version 0.1.4
Fixed: missing item models of dynamic forms
Fixed: The mod wasn't initializing at new game
Fixed: Items added from the heavens (like Hunterborn) weren't registering.
Fixed: Problems with the "transform" mechanic.
Fixed: Active effects from dynamic forms weren't persisting across saves.
Fixed: Name changes were applied twice upon loading in the same game session
Added: exclude lists now support EditorIDs
Added: INI setting nTimeToForgetInDays
Added: Other optimizations and safety measures
Version 0.1.2
Fixed: The mod wouldn't function when worldobjectsevolve is set to false in the INI.
Version 0.1.1
exclude lists and custom stages are now modular, where you just put your txt and yaml files with any name in the exclude and custom folders respectively.