About this mod
This converts the Mod ADXP l MCO Wolong-GuanDao moveset to OAR folders along with new config.jsons (_conditions in DAR) and adds patches to certain weapon mods to they can use the new moveset. READ INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BELOW!
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
Glaive Danger https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/89156?tab=description by just editing the esp (you will still need the original mod)
Heavy Armor https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/6308 as an ESL-flagged ESP patch (ESPFE)
Dragon Cult: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/74274?tab=description also as an ESL-flagged ESP patch (ESPFE)
GuanDao: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/36376?tab=description
Then added the conditions provided by the author here:https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/89588?tab=description
to the newly converted to OAR ADXP l MCO Wolong-GuanDao moveset https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/78934?tab=description so the above weapons can use the moveset from this mod. I also made it so you still need to download their files so you can support them still.
Here is what to do for each weapon mod:
Glaive Danger: Download the mod first, install it, then the esp from mines, and either create another mod folder and put the esp from mines and let it "overwrite" overtake in priority OR just merge them (as long as you've installed the original first, then mines merged for the new edited ESP)
Heavy Armor: Again install the original mod, and all the patches from that mod if you use WaCCF etc. Then download my patch and make sure it loads AFTER all the Heavy Armory esps. So something like this:
PrvtI_HeavyArmory_Animated Armoury_Patch.esp
Heavy Armory Glaive Keyword Patch.esp
Dragon Cult: Silimiar to the Heavy Armor, just make sure my Dragon Cult Glaive Keyword Patch esp is loaded after the main mod's esp
For Dwemer Tonal Weaponry https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/89588?tab=description it has keywords already so nothing needed, just download that mod! :) You can also download the optional Tonal Art esp in that mod, just MAKE SURE to put the two esp from Dwemer Tonal Weaponry AFTER the wolong esp from ADXP l MCO Wolong-GuanDao moveset or the Tonal art weapon art buttons will only work 20% of the time. SO like this:
Now for the Moveset itself: ADXP l MCO Wolong-GuanDao moveset https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/78934?tab=description.
I had to do a couple of things:
First was adding keywords to its _conditions.txt when it was still in DAR format. I encountered a weird problem that when I tried IsRightEquippedwithKeyword then the Form ID, for some reason it wasn't detecting the Form ID of the Dragon Cult patch, but when I used within OAR itself in game menu to use literal (aka form ID weap Glaive) that worked. The problem with that is DAR's condition txt does not allow that setting I believe, or at least I couldn't find it (if there is let me know, but still OAR is better to use in the long term).
I then did the changes that @kelvineppolon mentioned in the comments of the ADXP l MCO Wolong-GuanDao moveset so it will use the actual correct animations (aka change the weapon to BothHands). Afterwards I converted it to OAR and renamed the folders in the new OpenAnimationReplacer for better clarity, along with the new config.jsons in each folder
Anyways, so I converted the moveset to OAR folder format, but again I made it so one still needs to download the original mod to support the original author.
Here are the steps:
1. Download the OAR converted from this mod and install it. Open the folder that it is in. One should see there is a meshes folder (it contains the original DAR folder but is named DynamicAnimationReplacerDisabled so OAR will not detect it. It is there just in case you need it to test something but again don't think one needs it) and the edited wolong esp.
2. Then download the original mod here MANUALLY NOT VIA mod manager! https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/78934?tab=files (MAKE SURE it is the 1.0.1 version not the top one!!!) UNZIP it using 7zip or Winrar w.e. your choice is. select the following folders:
- Scripts
DO NOT SELECT THE WOLONG.ESP in that original mod zip as it does NOT contain the added keywords! Also do NOT select the meshes folder from that one either! Just the ABOVE FOUR FOLDERS!
Drag those FOUR folders into the my OAR converted mod.
3. Now you should have FIVE folders that you can see, along with my edited ESP (if you only see one folder, then you dropped those above four folders into the meshes folder, which is NOT what you should do!)
- Scripts
-wolong.esp (my EDITED ONE)
4. For the new GuanDao mod from https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/36376?tab=description, Download that mod, install it, then download my edited esp, and merge it (or if manual install, let it overwrite the original esp)
That's it! You should have the OAR edited mod and the new patches and it should work. As usual, let me know if I wrote something incorrectly in the instructions or something does not work.
If the moveset is not selected/use for some reason, then it's most likely priority. However, I have not seen any other moveset mods that uses that high of a number (999999995 LOL) other than Daumbra's mod but that should not be worrying.
Enjoy, and make sure to endorse those original mod authors! WIthout them this wouldn't be possible:
My next thing is polearm keywords, shouldn't take too long as there aren't that many polearm weapons (but again I'm not a weapon expert even though I watch Shadiversity >.>)