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About this mod

A complete rework of the Smithing perk tree for Adamant, in an attempt to better match the vanilla armor progression.

Permissions and credits
Adamant - A Perk Overhaul is a fantastic mod, and I especially like the Smithing perk tree, which ties tempering to specific perks that affect all materials, making perk investment and smithing progression feel much more natural and broadly rewarding. But I find the progression of armor recipes in Adamant a bit frustrating, as Dwarven armor unlocks at the same time as Steel Plate, and Elven armor unlocks after Scaled. As a result, I almost never end up forging or using either Dwarven or Elven armor, which leaves my game feeling just a little less rich.

This mod started as a modest effort to tweak the Adamant Smithing tree in an attempt to address the above personal complaints, but grew into a more comprehensive Smithing rework. No other parts of Adamant are affected.

10 Perks, 10 Tempering Tiers
As SPARC is an attempt to make Adamant's armor smithing more inline with vanilla armor progression, the perk tree ended up looking a bit more like the vanilla one. I condensed the Smithing perk tree into just 10 perks (the same number as vanilla), combining the "smithing" and "tempering" branches of the Admant tree. You no longer gain the ability to temper enchanted items from the start of the game; however, that ability comes with the first perk in the Smithing perk tree. Each perk after that increases your tempering capability by +1, with a total of 10 tempering tiers. These more granular tempering tiers are adapted from the Adamant Smithing Addon, which is required to run SPARC.

Smithing Perks
Novice Smithing (10): You can create Leather items at any forge, and you can temper magical items.
Basic Smithing (20): You can create Steel items at any forge, and you can temper all items by one additional tier.

Robust Smithing (30): You can create Dwarven items at any forge, and you can temper all items by one additional tier.
Journeyman Smithing (50): You can create Steel Plate and Scaled items at any forge, and you can temper all items by one additional tier.
Advanced Smithing (80): You can create Ebony items at any forge, and you can temper all items by one additional tier.

Refined Smithing (40): You can create Elven items at any forge, and you can temper all items by one additional tier.
Rare Smithing (60): You can create Nordic and Orcish items at any forge, and you can temper all items by one additional tier.
Exotic Smithing (70): You can create Glass items at any forge, and you can temper all items by one additional tier.
Legendary Smithing (90): You can create Dragon items at any forge, and you can temper all items by one additional tier.

Mythic Smithing (100): You can create Daedric items at any forge, and you can temper all items by one additional tier.

Like the vanilla Smithing perk tree, the SPARC tree has two branches that merge at the final 100-cost perk. Unlike vanilla, the ultimate perk is daedric rather than draconic. Additionally, the two branches are not "light armor" and "heavy armor" branches as they were (very loosely) in vanilla, although most of the heavy armor does come on one branch, and most of the light armor on the other. Thematically/lore-wise, I think of the two branches as "foreign" and "domestic," or, perhaps more accurately, "unusual" and "familiar" (to the people of Skyrim). In the future, I plan to release other mods that flesh out the armor sets available on both branches, so that neither branch is overwhelmingly "lighter" or "heavier" than the other.

ESP flagged ESL?

Can I use this on an existing save?
No, you should start a new game or your perks will be wonky. Strictly speaking, you should be okay on an existing Adamant save where you've only invested in the first 0-2 perks of the Smithing tree, but even then I advise a new game.

Why do some of the SPARC perks have the same names as the Adamant perks, but they don't unlock the same armor types?
There are only so many synonyms in the thesaurus, and Adamant used most of the relevant good ones.

Why are Orcish and Nordic armors in the middle of the "light armor" branch?!
Like I said, it's not the "light armor" branch. If you want an awesome light armor set that unlocks with SPARC's Rare Smithing perk RIGHT NOW, I highly recommend downloading Nordic Leather Armor by Darenii and my consistency patch here.

What about weapon smithing progression?
I don't care about weapons. Next question. Okay, kidding, but armor is much more my concern when it comes to smithing progression. Unless you're playing a no-armor build (in which case, why are you looking at this mod page?), you will want to have 4 pieces of armor equipped at any given time, whereas you will probably carry 1, maybe 2 weapons, unless you're hellbent on leveling up all three weapon skills for some reason, and/or you want to be a humanoid swiss army knife. Regardless, go find some cool unique weapons to wield, and use this mod to temper them. Or don't.

Will there be a non-Adamant version?
I'd like to release a "standalone" version, Smithing Perks Reforged, that doesn't require Adamant, but it's currently beyond my meager skills. I'd have to surgically graft some pieces of Adamant into this mod's .esp, and I haven't been able to figure out which pieces I need. For instance, I don't know how Adamant disables the vanilla game's skill-level-based tempering progression. If anyone has any insights, I'd be glad to hear them.

LOAD ORDER: Make sure you place SPARC after any Adamant patches or anything else that touches perks.

Recommended Mods
Immersive Tempering Improvement Names for Adamant Smithing Addon
Nordic Leather Armor and my consistency patch

SimonMagus and the Simonrim Team for Adamant - A Perk Overhaul

Have fun!