You can make whatever patches for my replacers as long as they are uploaded only on Nexus. Do try to inform me if you're making a patch as well . I'll link it on the mod description
This mod contains assets from other authors which have permission to be used here. Please seek their permissions before using their assets in your own mods.
File credits
High Poly Head by Kouleifoh KS Hairdos by Kallilies and Stealthic HG Hairdos 2 with thanks to Kallilies and Stealthic Khisartin Eyebrows for HPH by Khisartin and NaChooey The Witcher 3 Eyes by Oaristy with thanks to CD Projekt Red , Ellise , Gabriel Mailhot , CurtisRusty and Dulme35 Skin Feature Overlays by DomainWolf Even More Makeup by Koralina Remiel Custom Voiced Dwemer Specialist and Companion by MapleSpice
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