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About this mod

An accurate fully voiced restoration of Granite Hill.

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This mod accurately restores the village of Granite Hill to how Bethesda originally intended it to be. It adds a fully functional village with four new buildings: including a general goods store and an inn as well as 8 new professionally voiced npcs, some new scenes, and a misc quest to go along with it. 
(The npcs are all properly voiced, no AI was used in this mod) 

(Granite Hill was never actually supposed to be three farms and an inn)


Cato Pollius
: Imperial. Greedy merchant and stern taskmaster. Runs the Waymeet. Treats his porter, Shuk, very poorly.

: Orc. Porter for the Waymeet. Exiled from her stronghold, poorly treated and forced to sleep in the stables. If she’s hired by Olgar, she’ll sleep at Forester’s Camp.

: Nord. Mercenary hired by Cato. Concerned about recent disappearances. Suspicious of Olgar.                                   

: High Elf. Arrived at Granite Hill 50 years ago. Enigmatic student of the arcane. She has a permanent room at the inn. She claims to be studying the odd occurrences around the mountain.

Nord. Innkeeper. Because of his personality he’s supposed to not talk much. Because of that, I was able to get away with splicing vanilla dialogue for him. 

Elamat: Redguard. Trade representative for Whiterun and the Reach. Very shrewd, suspects something is wrong in town. Has semi-permanent lodging at the inn but doesn’t spend much time there as she finds Gudstar and Sirinaire creepy.

Villdagny: Nord farmer. Owns Nature’s Bounty Farm. The farm is very lush considering how close it is to the Reach. She claims that the farm’s success comes from her expert knowledge and affinity with nature.
She’s also friends with Gudstar and Sirinaire.

: Nord lumberjack, Owns Forester’s Camp. Much distrusted. Suspects something is wrong in town. Two of his workers recently disappeared and he has no idea why. While he suspects Cato of having something to do with it. Brandr suspects Olgar of the murder. This has led to a running tension in the town. He’s also looking to convince Shuk to work for him.


Nature’s Bounty Farm
Forester’s Camp
Waymeet Store
The Errant Star Lodge


A huge thank you to the talented voice actors who were kind enough to give their time (and voices) for this project! This mod definitely couldn't have done without them and for that I'm very grateful! 

TheLoneLogan - Cato Pollius

 - Shuk gra-Makbur

Alex Cain
 - Brandr

Kiara Dougherty
 - Elamat

Elizabeth Plant
 - Sirinaire and Villdagny

 - Olgar

This mod makes a super niche edit to the Civil War map texture, CWScript, and CWMapActivatorScript, and carriage system script. If your loading it with other mods that touch those, make sure to load Granite Hill above them in your load order so they safely overwrite Granite Hill's changes.
Doing this will just mean you wont get the icon/flag on the Civil War maps or have it as an option for the Hearthfire Carriages.

Siege at Icemoth
Skyrim Cut Content Restoration
Steel Soldier Shield - from The Elder Scrolls Blades
Watcher's Gear - From the Elder Scrolls Blades