About this mod
This mod is a complete overhaul of the vanilla follower Belrand. It gives Belrand a new look, new NPC behavior, new stats, new spells, new effects and a new follower perk system.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
Update (V2.1): After the success with my Elva Pure-Spring follower I also updated Belrand. I changed some programming of the perks, tweaked some spells and cleaned the esp-file. The perk changes will only take effect with a new game. I also changed the mod to a modular format. The spell tome integration of the new spells is now achieved by an optional file, either ESL-flagged esp or LLOS ini (see Optional Files section).
As the title suggests this is a complete overhaul of the vanilla Skyrim follower Belrand. It is based on my older Belrand overhaul "The New Belrand", but is completely remade with new spells, effects, packages and a new follower perk system.
Belrand is probably one of the least used hirelings in Skyrim, although he has quite some potential. As most of us, I didn't like his vanilla appearance and was looking for a better looking replacer. I found it in the more than 10 year old mod The New Belrand by Beans and converted it for SE.
But I also didn't like his vanilla integration into the game and had the idea to make him a much more interesting but still lore-friendly and close to vanilla follower and active NPC. I edited his stats by keeping many of his original values, spells and perks, but made him a restoration and alteration spellsword, which is quite uncommon. I also created new spells for him (and the player), making him more unique and useful, but not overpowered. But the most notable feature of this mod is a new follower perk system which gives Belrand new perks in dependence of his level. Basically, he gets a new perk every 5 levels. This is achieved completely without scripts. I'll add an article how I made it, so any modder can use the system for his follower. The perks are selected according to his class, so he will mainly get perks in the One-Handed tier, some in the Light Armor, Restoration and Alteration tier and few in Conjuration. I hope, with his perks and spells he should be of use for warrior style players as well as for mages and archers. I did a lot of testing, but mostly at lower levels. I have no idea how Belrand will work at higher levels with all his perks. Hopefully he will not be overpowered. So please test him and tell me your experience. If he is too powerful, I can remove some perks. I also gave him a very special ability kicking in at higher levels, but see yourself...
Belrand now also has his daily schedule and will be an active Solitude NPC. His behaviour and inventory give some hints how to make most of him...
Some background as I imagine it:
Belrand is a spellsword who accomplished his studies at the college of Winterhold some years ago. For sure he was not the best student, probably because he doesn't have a very high appreciation for magic, as most of his nord friends. However, he was curios enough to apply at the college and believed magic is a good and easy way to help his people since he showed some talent already as a child. So he specialized mainly in Restoration and Alteration and wanted to use magic in a rather defensive way. One the other hand he also enjoyed the basic conjuration classes as they allowed him to get an animal friend who could accompany him on his travels. The advanced conjuration courses were much too dark and definitely not his cup of tea. Since his magical abilities are limited he also got some training with sword and axe to be able to hold his own in the Skyrim wilds. There he protects travelers and merchants from bandits and occasionally escorts adventurers on their trips to caves and old ruins. Once this almost cost him his life when a draugr surprised him from behind.
Few months ago he came to Solitude looking for wealthy new customers. He settled in the Winking Skeever and soon became friends with Corpulus and his little daughter. He likes to help out in the inn if needed and gets some discount on the room in return. If not hired he does his daily fighting and magic training and takes care for his armor and weapons. In the evening he likes to have a beer and read some good books. After making some money he plans to buy some property and find his inner peace.
Race: Nord
Class: Spellsword (One-Handed (3), Light Armor (2), Restoration (2), Alteration (2), Conjuration (1))
Alignment: Neutral Good
Level 1: Agile Defender (20%)
Level 5: Alteration Novice
Level 10: Conjuration Novice
Level 15: Restoration Novice
Level 20: Armsman (30%)
Level 25: Agile Defender (40%)
Level 30: Alteration Apprentice
Level 35: Conjuration Apprentice
Level 40: Restoration Apprentice
Level 43/46: Bladesman I/Hack and Slash
Level 50: Custom Fit
Level 55: Alteration Adept
Level 60: Recovery (30%)
Level 65: Armsman (60%)
Level 70: Matching Set
Level 75: Armsman (80%)
Level 80: Magic Resistance (25%)
Level 85: Armsman (100%)
Level 90: Avoid Death
Level 95: Alteration Expert
special perk: Twin Souls (Belrand can summon up to 3 familiars depending on his magica level)
Lesser Ward
Turn Lesser Undead / Turn Undead / Turn Greater Undead
Fast Healing
Oakflesh / Stoneflesh / Ironflesh
Force Spike / Force Arrow / Force Bolt (NEW! see below)
Conjure Familiar / Conjure Greater Familiar / Conjure Eminent Familiar (NEW! see below)
Level: 1-100
can be married, doesn't affect stealth
New Spells:
Conjure Greater & Eminent Familiar (Conjuration Apprentice/Adept):
Same as Familiar but with an Ice Wolf (level 6). Should be between Familiar and Feline Familar (from ODIN). The Eminent Familiar is similar to a Sabrecat, but with lower attack values. Greater and Eminent familiars have a special frost-bite attack doing some additional frost damage and slowing down the opponents. Conjure Greater Familiar is also available to the player, the Eminent Familiar is unique to Belrand. Belrand's Greater & Eminent Familiars additionally level with him for some limited time to make them more useful at higher levels.
Force Spike / Force Arrow / Force Bolt (Alteration Novice/Apprentice/Adept)
These spells fire a short burst of energy staggering the opponent and doing some damage. I got the idea from the Force Bolt spell of the ODIN Mod but improved it (imo) and developed it into a complete series of spells. Force Spike is the only novice distance spell, but it is more expensive and does comparably low damage. The Force Arrow staggers for a longer time and in a small area and does more damage. Force Bolt staggers in a relatively large area, does more damage and also some area damage. Staggering does not work on dragons and on blocking opponents. If well used these spells can keep opponents away from you while you or your follower can attack them. The spells also make a pure Alteration Mage playthrough possible as they give the Alteration Mages offensive spells. The Paralyze spell can be imganined as the next higher spell in this tier (although it doesn't do any damage). The spell tomes can be bought at Skyrim's merchants.
I hope you enjoy your new follower. Have fun!
This is my first NPC/follower mod. I tested everything with my setup without any problems. So hopefully there are no issues. However, if you find some issues just contact me here. I'll see what I can do.
While testing on a different setup Belrand appeared naked (I have no idea why). This problem can be resolved by resetting the NPC by using the console:
Open console and click on Belrand. A number should appear on the top of the console. This is Belrand's "ID number".
Then enter the following commands to the console:
prid followed by Belrand's "ID number"
disable (Belrand should disappear)
enable (Belrand should reappear, hopefully not naked)
I think, the problem will also be resolved when the cell is reset, which happens automatically every 10 days in game.
Copy all files to the data folder, overwriting existing files.
Or better use a mod manager to do this.
Place the mod close to the end of the load order since many mods add small changes to Belrand (I don't know why). Put him after mods that add spells to NPCs such as ODIN Spells for NPCs/Spellcasters , so he really gets his spells.
In order to get his skills as intended you have to use a new game or at least a savegame in which you didn't visit Solitude yet. The character's skill values, perks and packages will be set when you first enter his cell, i.e. when the character is created by the game engine. That means, if you already visited Solitude before, Belrand is already there and will have different skills and he will level differently! To be exact, he will level in Destruction (but he has no destruction spells) and he will not level in Conjuration and Alteration Magic and will probably not be able to use all his new higher level spells.
The mod should be compatible with most mods. He may look somewhat differnet if you use different skins and so on.
Problems may arrise with mods that alter the "Winking Skeever", the Temple of the Divines or Solitude. Belrand's behaviour packages were made with the vanilla assets. I don't know if they also work with other world mods. At worst he will stay in the winking skeever all the time (as he did in vanilla). However, his new follower abilities should not be affected.
I provide a version for use with ODIN. It replaces the "Force Bolt" spell of ODIN with the new one and forwards the Familiar scaling of ODIN to the new "Greater Familiar". If you use a different magic overhaul, please use the normal (non ODIN) version of this mod.
Thanks go to Bethesda for creating Skyrim and all modders who keep Skyrim alive, to Beans for his original work and to the guys who created SSEEdit.
My Mods
Dawnstar Farms
Elva Pure-Spring (Apprentice priestess NPC and follower)
Medresi Dran Follower
Glass Making & Recycling
Complete Belrand Overhaul
A Deck Of Playing Cards
Skeevers Drop Skeever Hide
Fluffy Skeever Tail
Rabbits Drop Rabbit Fur
Harvest Ivy
Skyrim's got Balls
Simple Leather Tanning Fix
Even More Vanilla Rings
Even More Vanilla Rings for Beyond Skyrim - Bruma