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About this mod

Enigmatic figure whose beauty and grace capture the imagination of those who know her. Born in the ancient lands of Summerset Isle, Daegon belongs to the nobility of the ancient elven race of the Altmer, whose culture and traditions are imbued with a deep connection to magic and ancient wisdom

Permissions and credits

(Girl's Travel Outfit)

Follower based on the Asian Daegon replacer face preset


Changes compared to its predecessor

  • Now uses default body
  • Upgraded the eyes and eyebrows texture
  • Fixed head meshes
  • Balanced stats
  • Location change to High Hrothgar
  • It has a Standalone version
  • Hair is no longer a wig
  • Now use High Poly Head
  • It has versions with or without horns
  • Now have Goam's Elven Ears version

Height: 0.98
Weight: 60
Voice: FemaleSultry (Standalone)
Race: High Elf
Class: Mystic (Standalone)
Location: High Hrothgar (Standalone)
Bodytipe: Default
Marriageable: Yes


Alteration: 100
Restoration: 75
Destruction: 50
Illusion: 25

Are the armor included?

  • Normally not, since it would take up more dependencies when installing the mod, that's why I prefer to leave the link of the clothes I wear.

Why in my game it doesn't look like the pictures?

  • I use Diamond Skin to make the skin look as smooth as possible, and for the body I use my own Bodyslide Preset: Aery

Eyes: Cosmic Eyes SE

Hair: Tullius Hair 3

 Even More Brows

Skin: Diamond Skin

Body preset:
 Aery - BodySlide Preset 3BA

Thanks to Kukielle for creating the follower