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qIpdIb Bottle

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  1. PedroGuerreroR
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi there! I'm reading the comments and I'm confused: there seems to be only 1 main file now. I was hoping to download a non-replacer version, to add the pelts as a variety to Wet And Cold, but I'm not sure if that's the one available. Is it safe to donwload older files or is the current one what I should download?
    1. LordMithro
      • premium
      • 108 kudos
      When exploring the most current version of the plugin in xEdit: The formlist adds to those Wet and Cold provides. So you get both included in the form list which is referred to by the quest/scripts from Wet and Cold. Thus, the main file is a combination. If users want to remove the original cloaks, you simply have to remove the appropriate entries from the plugin. 
    2. PedroGuerreroR
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Perfect, that's exactly what I was looking for. Thanks! 
  2. MonkutPaik
    • supporter
    • 14 kudos
    Is the optional replacer version coming?
  3. ihelsing
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    "FurPelts_NonPlayableCuirass "You shouldn't see this. What are you up to?" [ARMO:FE0008E8]" - should be removed from the Form id list. met a female guard in this =)
    1. dBottle
      • premium
      • 274 kudos
      Got it
  4. MonkutPaik
    • supporter
    • 14 kudos
    Optional file should be comboed with the main or can be separate?
    1. dBottle
      • premium
      • 274 kudos
      Optional file is a full on replacer, main should be you'll have both
    2. MonkutPaik
      • supporter
      • 14 kudos
      Thanks, it works but in the replacer version one of the cloaks has purple textures and I have the latest Pelt Cloaks mod
    3. dBottle
      • premium
      • 274 kudos
      again, these are not my cloaks please tell the author of the required mod
  5. qIpdIb
    • premium
    • 155 kudos
    Love youuuuuuu!
    1. dBottle
      • premium
      • 274 kudos
    2. dBottle
      • premium
      • 274 kudos
      Updated :) finally lol
  6. lufi10
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    The pelt cloaks page is set hidden :(
    1. hoangdai94
      • member
      • 169 kudos
  7. mallemok
    • premium
    • 26 kudos
    Hi dBottle.
    Nice job. It improves immersion quite a bit :-)
    But you could avoid a lot of problems with conflicting formlists by the aid of SkyPatcher. I use it shortly myself in order to get rid of all kind of series of necessairy bashed patches, and all trouble of maintaining them ;-)
     Thanx for your work and have al lot of fun,

    1. dBottle
      • premium
      • 274 kudos
      The latest update does that but manually, I just cleaned up the plugin and added all 50ish cloaks to the wet and cold rain/cold lists for an equal chance for all cloaks from both mods to be applied to npcs during rainy or cold weathers. Shouldn't be conflicting formlists because pelt cloaks form ids aren't used anywhere else and I think the idea of adding these things manually are better practice.
    2. qIpdIb
      • premium
      • 155 kudos
      Is there a benefit to using Skypatcher as opposed to SPID? I always struggle to find a hyper compatible way of adding items into the game.
    3. dBottle
      • premium
      • 274 kudos
      For me personally, I prefer to do it manually when it comes to stuff like this. I would personally use SPID over sky patcher. I've been having issues using the two together with crashes. Not everyone gets them though, but I find manual leveled list injection to just be more reliable, because the more distribution ini's you get in your game, the more stuff it has to distribute at run time.

      Thats just my experience though.

      This mod though doesn't touch leveled lists, only the cloak lists. So they're only being distributed to NPCs based on whatever probability and the weather.
  8. CaptCannonChris
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Please put the replacer back up
    1. dBottle
      • premium
      • 274 kudos
      you got it boss
    2. CaptCannonChris
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you kind sir 
  9. french20
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Yeah this Mod doesn't seem to be working at all, does it need a certain version of W&C? Does wit work with W&C GEar? I only see the old Rugged Cloaks
    1. dBottle
      • premium
      • 274 kudos
      I added them to the cloak list, so they're not guaranteed to show up 100% of the time, they do show up in my game but it only adds them to the list like i said. I can just reupload the replacer if people want it I just thought it was more natural this way.
    2. french20
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Yeah the replacer would be great if you have it
    3. french20
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Hmm This doesn't seem to work at all with Wet&Cold gear, I got it to work with Wet&Cold. 
    4. dBottle
      • premium
      • 274 kudos
      I use wet and cold gear it works I promise.
  10. Noxcrab
    • premium
    • 71 kudos
    A version for Formlist (_WetCloakColdList) merge instead of replacer could be nice for those who want both designs.
    1. dBottle
      • premium
      • 274 kudos
      yeah i can do that. I'll get it up tomorrow.


      Done, thanks for the idea this is probably the better way to do it for sure.
    2. french20
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Can you post replacer version, the old cloaks aren't as great as the Pelt-Cloaks.