Hi there! I'm reading the comments and I'm confused: there seems to be only 1 main file now. I was hoping to download a non-replacer version, to add the pelts as a variety to Wet And Cold, but I'm not sure if that's the one available. Is it safe to donwload older files or is the current one what I should download?
When exploring the most current version of the plugin in xEdit: The formlist adds to those Wet and Cold provides. So you get both included in the form list which is referred to by the quest/scripts from Wet and Cold. Thus, the main file is a combination. If users want to remove the original cloaks, you simply have to remove the appropriate entries from the plugin.
Perfect, that's exactly what I was looking for. Thanks!
Is the optional replacer version coming?
"FurPelts_NonPlayableCuirass "You shouldn't see this. What are you up to?" [ARMO:FE0008E8]" - should be removed from the Form id list. met a female guard in this =)
Optional file should be comboed with the main or can be separate?
Love youuuuuuu!
The pelt cloaks page is set hidden :(
Hi dBottle.
Nice job. It improves immersion quite a bit :-)
But you could avoid a lot of problems with conflicting formlists by the aid of SkyPatcher. I use it shortly myself in order to get rid of all kind of series of necessairy bashed patches, and all trouble of maintaining them ;-)
Thanx for your work and have al lot of fun,
Mallemok -
Please put the replacer back up
Yeah this Mod doesn't seem to be working at all, does it need a certain version of W&C? Does wit work with W&C GEar? I only see the old Rugged Cloaks
A version for Formlist (_WetCloakColdList) merge instead of replacer could be nice for those who want both designs.