About this mod

Thirty (30) dungeons added to Skyrim and Solstheim to discover and explore plus a new world space called Desolate Veil, realm of Lord Vuldur

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Hammet's Dungeon Pack I
by: venjhammet
Features a total of Thirty (30) dungeons created and added to Skyrim and Solstheim and a new world space called Desolate Veil to discover and explore.
Things to expect in these dungeons:
1.  These dungeons uses vanilla assets only
2.  You may find some dungeons hard and challenging.
3.  They can be randomly picked by radiant quest, so be prepared.
4.  Some dungeons are puzzle-driven and require in-depth exploration
5.  interiors can be very dark, confusing, large, and scary yet immersive
6.  Has unique enchantment for weapons and armor and new spells
7.  interiors are meticulously detailed in design and are fully navmesh
8.  This mod is for "Nexusmods exclusive only". So please be respectful and avoid posting on another mod site.
9.  Please stop asking about porting to console, I will port them myself
10. This Dungeon Pack is compatible with all of my Standalone Dungeons, Reworked Dungeons, Vominheim and Valefrost.
11. This mod comes with four (4) powerful followers to accompany you on your journey.
      a. Ginvur Nedalin - a male dark elf assassin at Rheogur's Tower, Solstheim
      b. Arani Valestorm - a female Nord conjurer at Silver Blood Inn, Markarth
c.  Sirkvur Stonearm - a male nord spellsword at Frostfruit Inn, Rorikstead
      d.  Remzir - a male khajiit necromancer at Winking Skeever, Solitude
12. Dungeons are now divided into several difficult categories, pls see the Comment Section
13. This will be my final dungeon addons
14. This Dungeon Pack is compatible with all of my Standalone dungeons, Reworked dungeons, Hammet Dungeon Pack 2, New Vominheim, and Valefrost.
15. No one is allowed to make changes, patches or alterations to this mod without my express permission
16. can be installed mid-playthrough
17. Requires SE with v1. Can be used for AE v1.6.353., v1.6.640, GOG version, v1.6.1130.0.8, and the latest 1.6.1170.0.8. This mod is not SKSE-dependent.

A new questline added: "Chasing the Relic" starts near Ivarstead (See media photo above for exact location) find Garmal's corpse and read his note then the quest begins.

If you're enjoying my mods and would like to support my work, I'd truly appreciate it if you could visit my Kofi page and show your support. 

Updates and changes:


-removed optimization rendering to some dungeons due to misalignment causing weird glitches
-removed key requirements in Direfang Cave
-removed claw key requirement in Dreadmere Crypt
-removed exit key requirement in Gloomfall Refuge
-removed multiple assigned bosses in some dungeons to better align with location-type mechanics, improving compatibility with radiant quests.
-enhanced and minor expansion of Bonemist Crypt
-minor overhaul improvement in Dreadmere Crypt
-some minor improvement to all dungeons
-all final bosses will respawn after a period when the dungeon resets (addressing radiant quest issue)
-all weapon and armor rewards of this pack, except for staves, can now be sold to vendors

-minor expansion of Creshaw
-expanded Vulhule cell
-added 1 cell for Vulhule
-added new follower Tarwen (wood elf; archer with her own bow), Dead Man's Drink, Falkreath
-improved stats and leveled spells for Followers Remzir and Arani
-follower Remzir uses frost spells-follower Arani uses fire spells
-follower Sirkvur has his own enchanted Battleaxe

-fixed tile misalignment on Bellowing Pit
-relocated Bonemist Crypt further east
-minor enhancement on Verdant Vile Grotto
-minor enhancement on Gloomfall Refuge
-expanded the final cell on Fahlmzund
-expanded the final cell on Lochgar's Tomb

-fixed and reorganized the radiant-enabled dungeon issue
-all dungeons will now accurately reflect the day and night cycle when observed through openings in the ceiling

-fixed the correct Hold location of Silvergloom Mine
-rewrote and improved all notes, journals and books of this pack
-added a skill book found in Bashskull Retreat

-reduced loot and spawning of special armor and weapons on some dungeons
-added more clutters, books and shelves on Bonemist Crypt
-added more clutters, books and shelves on Cold Fear Cavern
-added more clutters, books and shelves on Desolate Crypt
-added more clutters, books and shelves on Sirkgar's Rest
-added more clutters, books and shelves on Temple of Vuldur 
-added more clutters, books and shelves on Vulhule

-fixed misalignment room-bound on cell 3 of Bellowing Pit due to cell expansion
-changed the lighting template on some of the dungeons that were using Blindcliff Template
-cell expanded and major enhancement of Bellowing Pit
-cell expanded and major enhancement on Verdant Vile Grotto
-cell expanded and major enhancement of Shadowgrim Burrow
-added more clutters, books and shelves on Bellowing Pit
-added more clutters, books and shelves on Shadowgrim Burrow
-added more clutters, books and shelves on Verdant Vile Grotto
-relocated Bonemist Crypt to the left side of the mountain
-relocated Verdant Vile Grotto far left of the mountain

-fixed the misalignment room-bound cell in Rheogur's Tower
-removed secret hall for the followers near Mzulft
-all four (4) followers are now at the Inn and dungeon location
   Arani Valestorm - Silverblood Inn, Markarth
   Sirkvur Stonearm - Candlehearth Hall, Windhelm
   Remzir - The Winking Skeever, Solitude
   Ginvur Nedalin - Rheogur's Tower
*warning - if you have these companions as your followers, please dismiss them first before you update

-fixed the corpse of Galmar for disappearing near Ivarstead (Quest: Chasing The Relic)

-fixed and replaced the autoload doors on Fangmere Cave
-fixed and replaced the trigger ambush on Bereshal Grove

-fixed the room-bound alignment in Gierhall Sanctum
-fixed the room-bound alignment in Ulfgrim Chamber

-fixed room bound at cell 3 of Direfang
-Bellowing Pit separated into 3 cells to circumvent the staircase navmesh issue
-added room-bound optimization Fangmere Cave
-added room-bound optimization White Frigid Cave
-added room-bound optimization Vulhule

-fix followers to appear in taverns
-added new follower
Remzir - a Khajiit Necromancer at Winking Skeever, Solitude
-added a new House (unmarked) near Mzulft where the followers will rest from 12 am - 8 am
-added room-bound optimization on ff dungeons:

Ulfgrim's Vault

All Four (4) followers, now go to their respective taverns from 8 am - 12 am:

Ginvur Nedalin - Retching Netch, Solstheim
Arani Valestorm - Markarth Tavern
Sirkvur Stonearm - Rorikstead Tavern
Remzir - Winking Skeever, Solitude

-removed leftover black panel and mine door on -18 -11 grid area
-all three (3) followers are now found in taverns only
-added room-bound optimization to ff dungeons;   
Desolate crypt   
Direfang cave   
Dreadmere crypt

-enhancement and improvement of Frostgrim Hollow
-following dungeons added Room Bound Optimization
1. Bashskull Retreat   
2. Bellowing Pit
3. Bereshal Grove   
4. Bonemist Crypt   
5. Coldfear Cavern   
6. Creshaw Hollow   
7. Frostgrim Hollow

-removed all keys on Direfang except one (1) at the entrance
-some improvement and enhancement on Direfang interiors

-added a new questline that starts near Ivastead (Chasing the Relic)
-added a new cell on Bellowing Pit in line with the quest
-added a new cell on Verdant Vile Grotto in line with the quest
-enhanced interior on some dungeons

-fixed the minimum level for radiant quest dungeons to 10

-added two (2) new extremely hard dungeons
-dungeons difficulty are divided into several categories
-redesigned cell on Coldfear Cavern
-added questline for Coldfear Cavern and the other new dungeons
-this will be my final dungeon add-on (30 dungeons)
-added 3rd follower found on Rorikstead
-renamed followers and enemies on Coldfear Cavern and Temple of Vuldur
-final boss of the Temple of Vuldur is changed
-more and longer battle for Coldfear cavern
-added a new location and a blacksmith on Desolate Veil
-added skybox lighting

Changelog v2.06
-Added a new frozen dwemer dungeon Inkhaznd

Changelog v2.05
-fixed the missing structure on Sirkgar's Rest
-fixed giant spider on Desolate Crypt that would fall to its death
-added new dungeon Silver Gloom Mine

Changelog v2.04

-removed the six (6) reworked dungeons from the old version pack (v2.03)
-it is now compatible with all the reworked dungeons
-requires new gameplay (affected only to those who were using the old version v2.03 and below)
-newcomers do not need new gameplay, may install it during the middle of gameplay
-file name is changed from vuldur.esm to hammetdungeon01.esm

The following list below is the location of the dungeon on Skyrim and Solstheim:
1. Bellowing Pit - far east of Whiterun lies a hollowing dark misty cave waiting to be discovered by an adventurer.
2. The Shroud of Lochgar- venture on the far east of Falkreath (East of Bloodlet Throne) and discover an old abandoned crypt where the Tomb of Lochgar lies buried. Dive into the waterfall and retrieve a powerful relic.
3. Konahl's Burrow - there on the southeast of Windhelm lies an old abandoned temple which is now home to the great bandit leader Admur. But this old temple has a secret that only you will be able to unlock it.
4. Bereshal Grove - at the far west of Shor's Stone lies an old misty cave with a mysterious old ruin hidden behind the raging waterfalls. Bandits have taken refuge here and are just waiting for their leader to arrive. Get there first before they retrieve an old powerful relic that has been buried for centuries.
5. Ulfgrim's Vault - An old dark crypt found at the far west of Solitude (Near west of Volskygge). This ruin holds a secret weapon buried beneath. Are you brave enough to retrieve it?
6. Fangmere Cave - On the far northeast of Markarth lies a dark misty troll cave with a hidden tomb buried beneath. Treasures and exploration await fellow travelers.
7. Bashskull Retreat - a small mining cave where a group of bandits resides and unknowingly a powerful relic was hidden beneath this old cave. The cave can be found northeast of Riften.
8. Vulhule - An ancient ruin located southwest of Helgen. A dark cave with a dark secret. They say a powerful relic was buried here. A few dared to venture into its ruin but never returned.
9. Steep Chill Mine - A small group of bandits has found a secret tomb buried within an old mining cave northeast of Markarth. Head over there and see what they have found.
10. Gierhall Barrow - on the far south of Morthal lies an ancient tomb where a powerful Nord warrior was buried. Seek his tomb and claim the relic weapon he once wielded.
11. Fahl Mzund - A powerful weapon hidden away in an ancient dwemer ruin southeast of Dawnstar is yours to claim if you dare to venture its depths and face the automatons that guard it.
12. Shadowgrim Burrow - a small group of treasure hunters made camp on an old Nordic ruin southeast of Ivarstead in search of treasures. Little did they know that this decrepit crypt was cursed. Folk says they saw dark entities wandering about within this mysterious ruin. You are Dragonborn and such things don't fear you. Head there and find out the fate of those men.
13. Gloomfall Refuge - a mysterious group of warlocks headed by a vicious leader has taken over an abandoned imperial prison tower at the far south of Rorikstead (Tower located southeast of Lost Valley Redoubt). Beneath that tower, they have uncovered a hidden tomb of a powerful necromancer. It’s only a matter of time before they will unlock it and claim its mighty weapon. It is up to you to get there and stop their devious plan before it’s too late.
14. Darkmire Crypt - a dark and mysterious cave with a dark secret. The crypt lies west of Bloodlet Throne. Hidden within this catacomb was the Tomb of Ingulfrid who was once a powerful dark mage queen who now lies buried and locked away for centuries. Only the most powerful warrior will dare to venture into this forbidden tomb and claim its prize or his life.
15. White Frigid Cave - A group of bandits has ventured into the Tomb of Hokimir to retrieve a powerful weapon. You must journey to the southwest of Kagrenzel where the tomb lies at the depths of the frigid cave before they'll get it first.
16. Frostgrim Hollow - A frozen cave south of Stendarr's Beacon lies a secret passage to the tomb of a powerful warrior. Venture its depths and discover its hidden tomb.
17. Direfang Cave - a mysterious weapon is hidden beneath the forgotten temple that awaits the brave to claim its power. Travel west of Valthume and journey into the catacombs and face your fear.
18. Desolate Crypt - A burial tomb east of Twilight Sepulcher. Are you brave enough to explore its dark tunnels? Bring a lot of torches.
19. Verdant Vile Grotto - a mysterious cave just south of Falkreath. Discover the hidden Temple and claim the Relic of the Wraith King.

20. Cold Fear Cavern -  (non-radiant) Travel south of Avanchnzel and discover what lies beneath this dark misty cave. Find the portal gateway that will lead you to Desolate Veil.

21. Silver Gloom Mine - south of Rorikstead lies a Mine that has been occupied by bandits. But the mine has a dreadful secret to be discovered.

22. Inkhaznd - a frozen dwemer ruin found southeast of Ivarstead near Froki's Shack. It's a large frozen dungeon with a valley of its own and a cavern with a house to own and relax. It's been overrun by bandits so watch out for them while exploring the dungeon.

23. Rootmire Keep - (Quest) an abandoned imperial prison south of Rorikstead now overrun by spriggans has taken the interest of a druid necromancer and has taken over and is about to perform an unholy ritual beneath the grotto.

24. Nzundgar - (Quest) A Dwemer ruin far northwest of Whiterun holds a powerful relic that a group of bandits is in search of it. Will they be able to recover it or be killed by the powerful automatons that guard that place?

1. Bonemist Crypt- An ancient ruin that holds a powerful amulet waiting for any brave adventurer to claim its power. This crypt is found North of Raven Rock in Solstheim.
2. Creshaw Hollow - A ruined crypt near Skaal Village, east of Solstheim. This old crypt once held a gateway to Vominheim used before by Lord Valdgar during his siege on the Temple of Vuldur but now it lies in shamble.
3. Dreadmere Crypt- on the far Southwest of White Ridge Barrow in Solstheim lies a Nordic ruin where brave men wager on a treasure hunt and never come back. It is said an ancient evil slumbered among the darkest depths of the catacomb. Peril or not yet treasure hunters would still explore the ruin seeking fortune. Head in and experience the fate of the treasure hunters.
4. Rheogur's Tower - Far away on the eastern side of Solstheim stands an old tower where the tomb of Lord Rheogur lies buried.
5. Sirkgar's Rest- A small crypt west of Skaal Village has been occupied by bandits in search of the weapon called "Raedsel" (Danish word for horror/terror). Venture the crypt and claim that weapon before they do).


The dark realm of Vuldur. An unforgiving land filled with vicious enemies. Battle your way to reach the Temple of Vuldur and come face to face with one of the most powerful necromancers.

Please don't forget to endorse the mod or you can support me on Kofi