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About this mod

Parry SFX replacers for Vanilla, Immersive Sounds Compendium and Valhalla Combat

Permissions and credits
You MAY NOT use my mods in paywalled modlists. Already I've seen some 'modlist authors' doing this and I strictly do not condone this. Modlists and load orders should not be hidden behind patreon subscriptions.

Audio Overhaul for Skyrim SE contains VOLUME SLIDERS for magic, weapons and other categories. If you do not like the volume, I highly suggest you install this as it is compatible with Immersive Sounds instead of leaving comments about your ears being hurt. It will spare both you and I a headache.

Special thanks to the users of r/skyrimmods and Modding Guild for helping me during the testing phase of this mod.

HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Dynamic Impacts by Goshbrindal pairs PERFECTLY with my sound effects. Make sure to use the AOS-ISC version for my recommended setup.

This is a project I started some months ago and never finished and is intended to be paired with Bulwark (which I will be revamping soon as it is really, really poor quality). I have replaced all parry sounds for melee weapons including weapon-specific parries from Immersive Sounds and the timed blocks from Valhalla Combat with high quality, semi-realistic sounds sourced using the metal impacts from my Bleeding Edge and my own audio libraries.

Here are some showcases of the ISC and Valhalla sounds below:

Immersive Sounds:

Valhalla Combat:

Fan of my work? Check out my Ko-Fi for some sneak peeks at future projects. All my mods are and always will be free.