About this mod
Parry SFX replacers for Vanilla, Immersive Sounds Compendium and Valhalla Combat
- Requirements
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- Changelogs
Audio Overhaul for Skyrim SE contains VOLUME SLIDERS for magic, weapons and other categories. If you do not like the volume, I highly suggest you install this as it is compatible with Immersive Sounds instead of leaving comments about your ears being hurt. It will spare both you and I a headache.
Special thanks to the users of r/skyrimmods and Modding Guild for helping me during the testing phase of this mod.
HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: Dynamic Impacts by Goshbrindal pairs PERFECTLY with my sound effects. Make sure to use the AOS-ISC version for my recommended setup.
This is a project I started some months ago and never finished and is intended to be paired with Bulwark (which I will be revamping soon as it is really, really poor quality). I have replaced all parry sounds for melee weapons including weapon-specific parries from Immersive Sounds and the timed blocks from Valhalla Combat with high quality, semi-realistic sounds sourced using the metal impacts from my Bleeding Edge and my own audio libraries.
Here are some showcases of the ISC and Valhalla sounds below:
Immersive Sounds:
Valhalla Combat:
Fan of my work? Check out my Ko-Fi for some sneak peeks at future projects. All my mods are and always will be free.