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About this mod

Permissions and credits

As requested by Nexus Mods moderators, this has now been merged into one single mod. There are no changes to the models and/or textures of the original mods. This is just a merged archive file of my old standalone food mods, which you can download in one click.
Standalone files for the original "HFs - Horker Meat" mod, previously published on this page, have been moved from the "Main Files" section to the "Optional Files" section. The new 2.0 file includes the following mods:

  • "HFs - Horker Meat" (from this page)
  • "HFs - Apple Pie - remodel"
  • "Halffaces - Hot Dog (dog meat replacer)"

As always, 1K/2K/4K texture resolutions are available for your choice.

Description for "OLD" files "HFs - Horker Meat":

Meshes and textures replacers for vanilla horker raw meat and horker coocked meat.

Slightly improved meshes and new HD BC7 textures for vanilla horkermeat.nif and horkermeatcooked.nif
Meshes and textures only. No ESP so it safe to install/uninstall at any time.

Big thanks to Master Cheesey fovideo:

I hope you will like it. Endorsement is appreciated 😊
If you would like to support me:

BEFORE (coocked):

BEFORE (raw):

AFTER (cooked):

AFTER (raw):

Check my other mods:

All assets presented in this mod were created by me personally from scratch and are my intellectual property