About this mod
The early release of my main Skyrim character before her follower mod release. If you want a battletank nord woman as a preset, here's Aelta as a base.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs

Still think I'm a half-baked Dragonborn?" -Aelta Wulf-Sung, socked a guard.
Hello friends! I'm bestowing upon you, by popular request on my Twitter, the Racemenu files for my beloved Aelta. I've begun work on her follower mod, but in the meantime, I thought I'd give yall the Racemenu files to play with*.
*A Note About Mods/ENBS/Load Orders
Characters will look different depending on what ENB you use, combined with different lighting mods and so on. The list of exact mods that make up her looks are below.. However I've had this load order for ages and don't remember the exact ENB I use.. if/when I figure that out, I'll update yall in a pinned comment.. oops.
I've also come to realize that it seems everyone's Skyrim looks different regardless of mods, so even if you download all the mods required for her exact looks, she might not be 1000% copycat.. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- Download the Racemenu files
- Download and Install any required mods listed below (Brows, Hiraya Eyes, etc..)
- Unzip and place Racemenu files in Presets folder (In my system the path to the Presets folder is D:\Storage 1\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\CharGen\Presets)
- In game, create a new character (or use the console to open Racemenu on a current character, if you want.)
- Choose a female Nord (This preset is untested on other races)
- Go to the Presets tab
- Select 'Aelta Wulf-Sung'
- Click 'Done'

Required Mods
I will add to this as I update this file. I will not link to external/third party mods outside of the Nexus site. I am not responsible if you look up third party mods and infect your computer with something. Thanks <3
CBBE by ousnius
Hiraya Skin - CBBE by naChooey
Hiraya Eyes by naChooey
Brows by Ithot
Northborn Scars by Northborn
Skin Feature Overlays SE by DomainWolf
Realistic Natural Skin Tones by Sukkalmah
Freckle Mania 2 by tetrodoxin (download Skyrim files, works in SE fine)
Vanilla Makeup HD by DomainWolf
Pocky's 4k Human Female Makeup by PockyPunk1
Female Makeup Suite by DomainWolf
Lovely Makeup 2 by scarlettdays21
Wounds Overlays for Racemenu by jayserpa
Nordic Warmaiden Body Hair by dePog
HairPack02 by Dint999
Suggested Mods
Mods I suggest to broaden options if you want the variety of warpaints and the like.. Her current file may originally show up with pink face due to missing textures, as she uses modded warpaint consistently. You can disable the missing texture while editing.
The Tinraa Body - Matriarch by Gronath (I use a modified version of the Warrior files.)
Vanilla Warpaints Absolution by DomainWolf
Niohoggr Warpaints by Collygon
Rutah's Warpaint by Rutah
Barbarian Bodypaints by DomainWolf
Hellblade - Senua's Warpaints by kilateone