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About this mod

This is a replacer for the two jarls of Riften the ruthless Maven And the lawfull Laila

Permissions and credits

Lulu's Maven and Laila

🔹 The Jarls Of Riften 🔹

🌟 Description 🌟

This is a replacer for the two jarls of Riften Stormcloak Jarl Laila Law-Giver and Imperial Jarl Maven Black-Briar. I wanted to stay true to their character and also most importantly the age I always found some replacers make Laila way to young for my liking so I made her older but also younger than maven she does also have two adult sons after all. With Maven I wanted to make her look  pompous, wealthy and most of all unlikeable fit to her true character of the ruthless crime boss and matriarch of the Black-Briar family.

''You may have everyone else impressed around here, but you don't impress me. You couldn't touch me if you wanted to." - Maven

"One day when you can see past your own interests, you will come to see that we were right. And this... This is all wrong." - Laila 

❓ FAQ ❓

Q1: How do I install the mod?
To install the mod, follow these steps:
1. Download the mod files from the link provided above.
2. Extract the files to your game’s mods directory.
3. Launch the game and enable the mod from the mod manager.

Q2: Is this mod compatible with other mods?
This mod will be compatible with any mod that doesn't replace maven or Laila if you use it with one that does make sure this mod is loaded after for it to work

Q3: Where Can I report bugs
Please keep all bug reports in the bug reports section instead of the comments section

Q4: How can I support.
If you’d like to support I don't do donations or anything so a simple endorsement is nice if you like it

Q5: Will you make a preset.
No and please don't ask for it in the comments.

Q6: Darkface Bug.
This buy is caused by a bad loadorder I cannot fix that

Q7: What Outfit is that
his time all the outfits were from Divine elegance

Q5: Ostim Compatible?


This mod wouldn't have been possible without the dedication and talent of many individuals.”

Face Features: 
Even more makeup

🛠️ My Other Mods 🛠️

1. Lulu's Frea


2. Lulu's Elisif