About this mod
Adds two brand new voice types to female guards that spawn seamlessly into the world. Compatible with many popular mods. ESL flagged.
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Well not any more. New Female Guard introduces two original voices - Female Guard for the Stormcloaks side and Female Breton for the Imperials.
- Will say anything a regular guard will say, including vanilla quest lines and scenes, with more than 2000 lines of audio included
- 50+ original lines added
- New guards will spawn anywhere a regular guard will
- Integrated compatibility and voice lines for a number of popular mods with patches available for others
- Voice sample included so you can clone the voice and use it for your own expansions and other mods
- Idle comments - guards will now talk to themselves and 'sing' if you're not too close to them
- Directional bump dialogue - guards will say different things if you bump into them from the front or the back
- Six new high poly faces for those that use helmet removing mods, three Nords for Stormcloak side and Imperial, Redguard and Breton for the Imperial side
- Includes features from several of my other mods including going to sleep comments and snoring
- NEW - optional MCM to control whether they sing and/or make idle comments
The mod adds (by script) the new guard voice types to the following FormLists - DefaultNPCVoiceTypes, GuardVoiceTypes & VoicesCommonCombatant.
This means that any mod that uses one or more of these as a condition may need patching. otherwise you will get blank lines where the subtitles will say something but there is no audio. I've tried my best to ensure wide compatibility but it's highly possible that I've missed something.
If this is the case you have five options -
- Put up with the blank lines
- Make a patch yourself to block out the lines (instructions included in the article)
- Generate the audio for the lines yourself using a TTS service
- Kindly ask the mod author of the incompatible mod to make a patch (but don't expect them to)
- Ask me to make a patch (but I can't promise that I will do it quickly, if at all)
I've generated all the lines for the following mods, so if you have them installed, my guards will say the lines from these mods -
- Farts of Skyrim ("Here, this is for you" lines and follow up comments)
- Extended Guard Dialogue
- Guard Dialogue Overhaul - lines for both the ESP version and the ESL version are included.
- City Bag Checks
- Misc Dialogue Edits
If you have my mod Inn-Tegrated NPCs - Oblivion Style Conversations then you should see some of the new guard types as off-duty guards.
I've generated the lines for my friend DSP2003's mod M.E.I. - Maven Elenwen Ingun - Followers and Spouses - Quest Expansion Plus and he has included these voice lines in the latest update for that mod, so the two new female guard voice types will work with it.
Simply install like you would any other mod using your favourite mod manager. Should be safe to install mid-game.
I've also added patches in optional files as follows;
Unisex Empire.
More to Say - City Guards - blocks my mod from the extra lines added by More to Say.
More to Say - Guard Encounters - blocks my mod from the extra lines added by More to Say.
More to Say - Merged Version - blocks my mod from the extra lines added by More to Say.
Guard Dialogue Overhaul - blocks several lines. Two patches available, one for the ESP version of GDO and one for the ESL version. Make sure you choose the correct patch for the version you have. Credit and thanks to DSP2oo3 for the GDO esl patch. Not tested with GDO Redux.
All the patches are ESL flagged.
Load Order
Load this mod after any mods that inject female guards into levelled lists. For example, Unisex Empire, Female Imperial Guards and Soldiers & New Guard Recruits.
Load Guard Dialogue Overhaul after this mod.
Load any patches after this mod.
Unisex Empire.esp
New Female Guard.esp
Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp
New Female Guard GDO Patch.esp
Feel free to use the voice types in this mod for your own NPCs as long as this mod is required as a master. I've also included the 'Female Guard' voice sample in optional files if you want to clone the voice and use it for your own expansions or projects, with full permission to use the voice. If you want to generate 'Female Breton' lines then search for 'Sarcini - Snarky, Quick-witted, Unapologetic' in Eleven Labs.
FAQs / Comments
I'm not seeing any new guards.
They're included in the regular levelled lists for guards so where they spawn is entirely random, you might need to travel about a bit. Also check the section on load order.
LE version?
Yes, here.
Does it work with AE?
The mod was made with the older version of the Creation Kit so it's compatible with all versions of Skyrim SE/AE.
I'm not hearing the new lines.
Vanilla bug. Try saving and loading the game.
Can I change the distance for the guard's idle comments?
Yes, it's currently set to a minimum of 900 so the idle comments and 'singing' will only trigger if you're further than 900 units away. You can change this by opening the console and typing set jb1idledistance to x where x is the number you want to change it to. Making the number smaller will mean the idles trigger when you are closer to the guard. Making the number bigger will mean they trigger when you're further away. If you don't want to hear them at all, set it to something very high.
I'm not using some of the mods that you've created lines for, can I delete them?
They're only a few MB each but yes, you can safely delete the folders for mods you aren't using. For example if you're not using Guard Dialogue Overhaul you can delete the Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp folder in sound/voice
Waaaugghh! I don't like 'AI' !!!
Don't use the mod.
I don't like the voices.
See above
The mod is flagged as ESL so it won't take up a slot in your load order. It has been cleaned and checked for errors in xEdit.
Yandros for help with testing.
Nether for help and support.
Subhuman for help and support.
Eleven Labs Audio.
BunnyPriestess for Eleven Labs Batch Generator tool.