About this mod
A remake of the original Daughter of Coldharbour mod by Chimbellda into a modern implementation.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
- Donations

This mod is based on Daughter of Coldharbour version 1.0 and has all of its features.
† 100% PARITY This mod is built from the original file, carrying over all of the existing features.
Visit the original mod page to view all the features.
† MCO/BFCO COMPATIBLE Daughter of Coldharbour has also been converted to use the BFCO system if you choose.
† STANDALONE This mod does not require the original Daughter of Coldharbour and functions all by itself.
† ESL-FLAGGED This mod will not contribute to the 255 plugin limit.
† COMPATIBLE WITH EVERYTHING SkyPatcher implementation means Daughter of Coldharbour will no longer cause conflicts
with other Serana mods.
† NO PATCHING NEEDED Serana / Valerica appearance mods no longer need to have patches. So don't download
old compatibility patches or else it will break this mod. Get any Serana replacer mod you want.
Wondering about the Serana in the images? Check out my Serana visual overhaul!

† SkyPatcher - Downloaded for SE / AE
† PapyrusUtil - Downloaded for SE / AE
† Payload Interpreter - Works up to AE 1.6.640
† dTry Plugin Updates - For game versions above AE 1.6.640
† SCAR - Skyrim Combos AI Revolution - Find AE version here
† MCO | DXP or BFCO - Pick one
Installation steps:
1. Install all the requirements, and all of their requirements
2. Install this mod
3. That's it, have fun!
Additional Notes:
† This mod is incompatible with patches made for the original mod. Downloading them will potentially
cause issues and headaches. This mod is compatible with all appearance mods.
† Because of the limitations with SkyPatcher, this mod is unavailable for Skyrim VR users (sorry).
† Daughter of Coldharbour - Reimplemented and Queen of the Damned - Reimplemented are
technically compatible with each other, but I don't advise using both at the same time.
† As of v1.2.0, this mod offers a scripted solution to keep up with Serana's evolving list of
abilities during playthroughs.

† Daughter of Coldharbour by Chimbellda
† Witcher's Combat by sjc5572
† ADXP I MCO Malenia Boss version animation by black364
† Phoenix Compendium by Satafinix
† SkyPatcher by Zzyxzz
† Me, for the edits on top of everything
If I am missing any, please reach out to me