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About this mod

A grass overhaul using assets from Cathedral - 3D Landscapes and Grass Library.

Permissions and credits

Introduction :

A grass overhaul that covers all of Skyrim. Solstheim not included.
Uses assets from Cathedral - 3D Landscapes and Grass Library. It's all thanks to Cathedral creator Dr Jacopo who created a beautiful grass model.

Skyrim is the cathedral's Sacred Garden!!

Features :
The Quality due to the Cathedral. It is very wonderful.
Please check the IMAGES tab.

It is designed with performance in mind. In my environment, the FPS dropped by only 2-3 points compared to Tamrielic Grass.

This MOD is designed with iMinGrassSize 60 in mind. If performance is poor, try increasing the value of "iMinGrassSize=60" in the included ini file.

Concept :

large meadow, Tall grass, and Breeze.

Dense forest and Damp air.

Colorful autumn leaves.

Dry air and soil.

Eerie and heavy atmosphere.

Install :
Overwrite this MOD after installing the "Cathedral - 3D Grass Library" meshes.
 - Cathedral - 3D Landscapes and Grass Library. (Meshes)
 - Sacred Garden

Requirements :
 - Cathedral - 3D Landscapes and Grass Library. (Meshes) v16.42 and later
 - Complex Grass (Community Shaders or ENB)

Recommended :
 - Cathedral - 3D Solstheim Grass : Solstheim is covered.

 - Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods
 - No Grass In Objects

Credits :
Dr Jacopo:
It's all his achievement. Without his work this mod would not have been created and he gave me the inspiration to make it. 
Thanks again.