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Everglaid full_inu ghouls0rules Kreiste Kittytail masimeiro drsemmel qIp

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About this mod

This was a personal mod built standing on the shoulders of giants. I hope you enjoy it!
Rebuilt for 2.0!

Permissions and credits
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First off, thanks to the generous modders who have open permissions or allowed me use their assets in putting this together.

This mod adds a new Greybeard themed clothing set (and craftable variants) for males and female, and a rather unique staff.
Clothes and staff and can be found in the boss chest in Ustengrav. Clothes are not enchanted.

With the staff, you too can call the wind! Send smaller foes flying with hurricane force gusts. While powerful, it is quickly depleted. From full charge, the staff can be used 17 times before depletion. Why 17? One for each disputant who could not shout my main man, Jurgen, down.