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Created by

WolfKent whitevamp

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About this mod

This script has been modified and expanded from the original version created by WolfKent.

Permissions and credits

- Python (ensure you have Python installed)


To install, either:
- Add the mod as usual using Mod Organizer 2 (MO2), or
- Place the unpacked files directly into your `Data` folder.

Make sure the mod is enabled so that the Bodyslide presets will be available after conversion. If you change the setting in the config.ini file.

**Version:** 1.7.0


This Python script converts .jslot character presets from Racemenu into Bodyslide presets. It dynamically handles null characters and provides error logging for malformed files, ensuring a smooth conversion process.


1. Set your configuration in `config.ini`:
- **small_size_modifier**: Factor to scale small size sliders (default: 0.5).
- **big_size_modifier**: Factor to scale big size sliders (default: 1.5).
- **body_type**: Set to `3BA` or `SMMB`.
- **body_name**: Specify a body name if using `SMMB`.
- **input_dir**: Specify the path to your .jslot files or leave blank to use the default (script's directory).
- **output_dir**: Specify the output path for Bodyslide presets or leave blank to use the default (script's directory/output/CalienteTools/BodySlide/SliderPresets).

2. Run the script. To override settings, you can provide command-line arguments:
- `python your_script.py [body_type] [body_name]`

**EXAMPLE CONFIGURATION (`config.ini`):**

small_size_modifier = 0.5
big_size_modifier = 1.5
body_type = 3BA
body_name = SMMB High Poly SOS Body

output_dir =
input_dir =

**NOTE:** If the input/output paths are left blank in the config, the script defaults to the directory containing the script and outputs to `output/CalienteTools/BodySlide/SliderPresets`.


1. Ensure you have a zeroed preset built in Bodyslide.
2. Adjust your body sliders to your preference in-game.
3. Save the preset, and place the corresponding `.jslot` files into the folder with the Python script.
4. Build your preset in Bodyslide or use it with mods like OBody NG.


This mod has been updated from the original version, with various improvements to enhance functionality and user experience. Key changes include fixes for handling missing `bodyMorphs` data and improvements to the error logging process. These updates ensure a smoother conversion experience and more stable performance. A full changelog of modifications can be found in the `changelog.txt` file included in the archive.


- **Thanks to sehraf**, whose original code was adapted from GitHub for convenient use.
- **Thanks to WolfKent**, who further modified sehraf's code to form the base for this tool.
- **expired6978** – Creator of RaceMenu.

For a more detailed explanation of what has changed, see the `changelog.txt` file included in the download.