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About this mod

My personal Xbox controller configuration for LORERIM.

Since the release of LORERIM 3.0, I have reworked the entire layout.

It now covers pretty much all the commands available on keyboard, incl. Swift Potions, Character Sheet, Bestiary, Custom Sklls, cam shoulder swap, 8 hotkeys, 8 Favourite Groups, toggling Quickloot, etc..

Permissions and credits
NOTE: This is NOT the "official" controller mod included in LORERIM! The "official" one can be found here.

The aim of this mod was to create a controller configuration for LORERIM that feels intuitive, practical and logical while including as many actions as possible that are usually restricted to mouse and keyboard.

With the latest update, I was finally able to cover pretty much everything, i.e. you won't need mouse and keyboard for anything except console commands and entering your character's name.
This version differs significantly from the original Skyrim layout, from Thedudestandard's layout included in LORERIM, as well as my previous versions. While it is unconventional in some ways, I am pretty happy with the result.

Some of the features I added with the latest version:

- You can now assign all 8 hotkeys to your favourite items, spells or shouts and use them on the fly by pressing START + A/B/X/Y
and SELECT +A/B/X/Y. Since Biggie recently added STB Quick Hotkey Cast, this means you can use up to 8 different shouts/powers directly with these combos - no need to switch between the shouts anymore; just push the buttons and shout away!

- On top of that, you can use all 8 Favorite Groups via START + dPad Up/Down/Left/Right and SELECT +dPad Up/Down/Left/Right! Assign entire sets of equipment and spells to your Favorite Groups, then switch between them seemlessly! If you are unfamiliar with SkyUI's Favorite Groups, there are a few tutorials online; e.g. this one.
Note: "Save Equip State" should be assigned to LB + SELECT. If this doesn't work, it may be necessary to use mouse and keyboard to assign stuff to the groups.

- Tired of the Quickloot window getting in the way? Press START + left stick to turn Quickloot on/off.

- You can charge up your Power Attack by holding X and release it by pressing RT.

- When you hold Y, your character will jump continuously. This is intended for vampire lords and liches so they can fly by holding the button instead of pressing it repeatedly. (I haven't tested flying yet; if you encounter any issues with it let me know.)

- Many functions can now be accessed in multiple ways. For example, you can use Power Attack by pressing X or with the LB + RB combo, and you can dodge/sprint with B or with the left stick.

- By holding SELECT and moving the right stick, you can open your inventory, spells, map and skill menu directly. Clicking the stick instead opens the Tween Menu.

- Likewise, holding SELECT and moving the left stick gives you access to the Custom Skills menu, the Bestiary, the Character sheet and the Wait menu.

- To pan over the map, you now use the dPad. The left stick is deactivated in the map menu; the right stick is the cursor. I made these changes to avoid a bug which turns the map white  when you move the sticks.


In Steam:
- Go to "Settings (upper left corner) -> Controller"
- Click the button to install "Xbox Extended Feature Support Driver"
- Restart

- Copy and paste this link into your browser: steam://controllerconfig/489830/3402041254
(If you are using the "alternative" version, use this instead: steam://controllerconfig/489830/3402569815 )
- Allow steam to open it when prompted
- Apply the layout in steam

- Download this mod manually or via Mod Organizer 2
- Install and place under Rule 11 in Mod Organizer 2

In game, make sure the following buttons are set up correctly in the MCMs:
- SmoothCam (Toggle Shoulder Button, found under "Third Person"): N
- Custom Skills Menu: \
- SkyUI > Controls > Favorite Groups: 1-8 (Use the numbers in the "typewriter" section of your keyboard, NOT those on the numeric keypad!)
- Quickloot IE: Load Preset "NvWs Quickloot Preset"
- Taunt: 0 ; Remote interaction: 9 (Again, NOT on the numeric keypad!)
If you use the "Alternative" version:
- SkyClimb: Untick "Use Jump Key" and Set C as "Climb Key"


 ============== START/SELECT/SHARE ==============

START - Shift3
SELECT - Shift2

SELECT + START - Pause Menu
START + SELECT - Journal (Quests)

LB + START - Favourites
LB + SELECT - Wait

SHARE - Hotkey reminder
SHARE (Long press) - Pause Menu

============== BUMPERS/TRIGGERS ==============

LB - Shift1

RB - Dual Wield Block/Bow Dagger (Dagger requires Perk)
LB + RB - Power Attack
SELECT + RB - Remote Interaction

LT - Left Hand Attack/Spell/Block
LB + LT - Taunt

RT - Right Hand Attack/Spell
LB + RT - Shout/Power

Hold RT + dPad Down - Power Shot (Requires perk)

 ============== YXBA BUTTONS ==============

Y - Jump
X - Power Attack
B - Dodge/Sprint
A - Interact

LB + Y - Stamina Potion
LB + X - Magicka Potion
LB + B - Health Potion
LB + A - Dynamic Interaction

SELECT + Y - Hotkey 1
SELECT + X - Hotkey 2
SELECT + B - Hotkey 3
SELECT + A - Hotkey 4

START + Y - Hotkey 5
START + X - Hotkey 6
START + B - Hotkey 7
START + A - Hotkey 8

 ============== dPad ==============

dPad Up - Tween Menu
dPad Left - Swiftly Order Sqad
dPad Right - Ready/Sheathe Weapon
dPad Down - Stealth

LB + dPad Up - Quicklight (Requires a lantern with fuel)
LB + dPad Left - Horse Commands
LB + dPad Right - Cycle Stances
LB + dPad Down - Toggle Helmet

START + dPad Up - Favourite Group 1
START + dPad Left - Favourite Group 2
START + dPad Right - Favourite Group 3
START + dPad Down -Favourite Group 4

SELECT + dPad Up - Favourite Group 5
SELECT + dPad Left - Favourite Group 6
SELECT + dPad Right - Favourite Group 7
SELECT + dPad Down - Favourite Group 8

 ============== ANALOGUE STICKS ==============

LS - Dodge/Sprint
RS - Target Lock/Change POV

LB + LS - Swap Shoulder (SmoothCam)
LB + RS - Wheeler

START + LS - Toggle Quickloot
SELECT + LS - Immersion (Toggle UI)

SELECT + RS - Tween Menu

SELECT + RS Up - Skills
SELECT + RS Left - Magic
SELECT + RS Right - Inventory
SELECT + RS Down - Map

SELECT + LS Up - Custom Skills
SELECT + LS Left - Bestiary
SELECT + LS Right - Character Sheet
SELECT + LS Down - Wait


A - Jump
Y - Activate
LB + A - Stamina Potion
LB + Y - Dynamic Interaction
START + LB - Climb
(SkyClimb can lead to complications when "Jump" and "Activate" are swapped; therefore I had to assign it to a separate combo.)

Huge thanks to biggie_boss for this awesome mod list,
to Thedudestandard for the original controller mod,
and to all the other mod authors whose work is included in the list!