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Version 1.0.7
Added MCM to change the hotkey.
Uses SkyInteract to display the hotkey button in hud.
Campfire compatibility, temporary workstations are excluded from becoming containers.
Version 1.0.6
Added optional "Shared" mode. Please use only on new saves.
Version 1.0.5
Fix invalid form ids.
Version 1.0.4
Added IsNotAWorkbench keyword to for excluding certain workbenches.
Version 1.0.3
Fixed hud button alignment
Version 1.0.2
New method of displaying the Hud action button, should be more compatible with UI overhauls.
Fixed the mod not working when reassigning the Ready Weapon key to a mouse button.
Version 1.0.1
Fixed container persistency, removed PapyrusUtils as dependency.
When you approach a crafting station (alchemy, smithing, enchanting, cooking) you can press the Ready Weapon key (R with keyboard, X with gamepad) to access that workbench's container. Anything you put in that container, will be auto transferred to you when you use that workbench, and the excess is returned to it when you're finished. This will cut down on your inventory management.
Recommended Mods Goes well with Quick Item Transfer, so you can drop all items of relevance to your crafting into the container. You can see me using it in the preview video to drop all ingredients at once.
Known Issues - If you have changed the key for Ready Weapon to something else, it doesn't reflect in UI right away. It does after reloading.
Compatibility This mod does not touch any vanilla records, and should be compatible with everything. This includes mods that add new workbenches (like new land mods), or mods that modify the workbench models / game records. All of them can still have their own containers. File is ESP-FE so it does not take up a slot in your load order. If you encounter issues, please report.