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Overhaul of Sarethi Farm

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Snazzy Interiors - Sarethi Farm
Located between Riften and Ivarstead, Sarethi Farm is owned and ran by Avrusa and her sister Aduri.

As Dark Elves, their home didn't really portray their heritage, nor match the exterior of the home?

It's better now...

Mod Features:
  • Esl/esm flagged main plugin and patches...won't count against your max plugin count.
  • Redesigned the entire interior...added fireplace and windows to match the exterior, added Dark Elf furniture and lights, added/replaced a lot of vanilla non-static clutter, furniture, foliage, light sources, and other decorations for esthetics and immersion (very few static/ non-interactive items)
  • Added some exterior updates as navmesh or landscape edits!!
  • Added occlusion planes to maintain decent FPS.

  • Compatible with any NPC editing mods (this mod doesn't touch NPCs)
  • Compatible out of the box with USSEP, SLAWF, Skyrim Project Optimization, Immersive Citizens, Interesting NPCs, and Ryn's Sarethi Farm.
  • Requires a SMIM-based Common Furniture mesh/texture (SMIM, Rustic, Rally's, Skyland, etc)

Dedicated Patch hub maintained and updated by Czasior and the pro-patching team!!
Snazzy Interiors Patch Collection

The Patch Collection includes but not limited to:
- Additional Hearthfire Dolls by kelretu
- After the Civil War - Siege Damage Repairs by tarlazo
- AI Overhaul SSE by mnikjom and SpiderAkiraC
- Alchemical Treatise by Callipygianish
- Amulets of Skyrim by UNI00SL
- Animated Armoury by NickNak
- Artifacts of Skyrim: Revised Edition by HeiroftheSeptims
- Aspens Ablaze by mindflux
- At Your Own Pace: Thieves Guild by agd25
- BadGremlin's Collection by BadGremlin
- Black-Briar Banners by Acherones
- Book Covers Skyrim by DanielCoffey
- BUVARP SE RE by AndrealphusVIII
- C.O.I.N. - Coins of Interesting Nature by TateTaylorOH
- Capital Windhelm Expansion by Surjamte
- Cheesemod for EVERYONE by aviform, EpicCrab,DoubtSuspended, PhysicsFish, and Daniel Hodge
- Children of the North by lilson
- Citizens of Tamriel by Craftian
- ClefJ's Morthal by ClefJ
- Cloaks of Skyrim by Nazenn
- Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul by kryptoptyr andDrMonops
- Contraband Confiscation by EpicCrab
- Cutting Room Floor by Arthmoor
- Dawn of Skyrim by Vaelka
- Denizens of Morthal by Lollia
- Elder Scrolls Online Imports by SarthesArai
- ELFX Fixes by WiZkiD
- ELFX Shadows by WiZkiD and nicola89b
- Embers XD by midnflux
- Enhanced Lights and FX by anamorfus
- Enhanced Solitude by kojak747
- Erikur's House Rework by Drengin
- ETaC Must-Foot Wine by gutmaw
- ezPG by Craftian
- Favor Quests Separated by AndrealphusVIII
- Fyr Manor by Trainwiz and DarthVitrial
- Guards Armor Replacer by NordwarUA and DanielUA
- HS Player Homes - Proudspire Manor by HyliosSykes
- Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul by Arnaud dOrchymont
- Immersive Laundry by Nerd of Prey
- Immersive Wenches by Kozuke Hajime
- Inconsequential NPCs by Ripple
- Interesting NPCs by Kris Takahashi
- JK's Skyrim by JKrojmal
- JK's Skyrim / Dawn of Skyrim by Teabag86
- Kaidan 2 by LivTempleton
- Legacy of the Dragonborn by icecreamassassin, SirJesto,and the LOTD team
- Legacy of the Dragonborn Erikur's Eviction The GalleryGift Shop by icecreamassassin
- Lux by GGUNIT
- Morrowloot Miscellania - Item Distribution byforeverphopenix
- Morrowloot Ultimate by ChocolateNoodle
- Mystic Condenser by Dave0523
- Nature of the Wild Lands by fxckthisworld
- Oblivion Artifact Pack by Watcherzero
- Off Limits by Korodic
- Palaces and Castles Enhanced by Sette
- Populated Cities and Towns by the Sands of Time team
- Quaint Raven Rock by Undriel
- Radiance - Radiant Quests Enchancements - Locations bySarthesArai
- Rally's Upper Furniture by Rallyeator
- Raven Rock Building Tweaks by Catir
- RedBag's Solitude by RedBag
- Relics of Hyrule by JKalenad
- Requiem by The Requiem Dungeon Masters
- RS Children Overhaul by isophe
- Rudy HQ - Miscellaneous by Rudy102
- RYFTEN - Consistency of Windows in Riften by Yuril
- RYFTEN - Make Your Riften by Yuril
- Second Great War by Reath
- Skyrim Artwork Imports by SenterPat
- Skyrim Landscape and Water Fixes by WiZkiD andlilebonymace
- Skyrim Project Optimization by prister5
- Skyrim Sewers by Viltuska
- Skyrim Underground by AncientKane
- Skyrim's Unique Treasures by clintmich andicecreamassassin
- Slampire's Creation Cave - Creation Club Reintegration bySlampire
- Snazzy Exteriors - Bryling's Garden by gutmaw
- Snazzy Furniture and Clutter Overhaul (SFCO) by gutmaw
- Snazzy Furniture and Clutter Overhaul (SFCO3) by gutmaw
- Sons of Skyrim by NordwarUA
- Sounds of Skyrim Complete SE by Cliffworms, SirJest, SOTTeam and tonycubed2
- Tamrielic Culture by Watcherzero
- The Brotherhood of Old by Tesoro
- The Gift of Saturalia by JaySerpa
- There Is No Umbra - Chapter III by FableForge
- Thieves Guild Requirements by kryptopyr
- Thieves' Night On the Town by Megapatato
- Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch by Arthmoor andUnofficial Patch Project Team
- Vanilla Table Replacers by SDlutz
- Weapons Armor Clothing and Clutter Fixes by kryptopyr
- Windhelm Occlusion Planes Fix by AndriasBartlett

Recommended Mods:

A note on the Screenshots...I added pics of Vanilla (with just some texture mods like Noble Skyrim, Rustic mods, etc), and with this mod + Lux + Rudy ENB + Snazzy Furniture and Clutter Overhaul patches.  Just so you can see the differences and options available with a well modded game.


See my other SSE Mods HERE