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About this mod

For the vanilla plus junkies out there; I present to you a simple vanilla weather addon that enhances the rain, snow and ash storms, creates a variety for them and even adds rain in the Soul Cairn! Includes ESL-flagged seasonal and audio patches

Permissions and credits
Vanilla Plus Weathers

For the vanilla plus junkies out there; I present to you a simple vanilla weather addon that enhances the rain, snow and ash storms and creates a variety for them. Includes ESL-flagged seasonal and audio patches.

  • This includes 4 rain type variants, from a drizzle rain to a heavy supreme storm
  • Custom added audio from Clofas for the rain storms, ash storms and snow storm
  • Custom added audio from supreme weathers, as it's audio and visuals for the vanilla version are pretty much left intact but added as new weather ID's
  • Adjusted the region records so the new weather types can spawn in at the appropriate region
  • Added ESL flagged patches for either /and Seasonal Weathers Framework, Audio Overhaul (non SKSE) and Sounds of Skyrim
  • Made the moons smaller, it is reduced by roughly 25%. Thought that looked nicer
  • Optional; Upscaled vanilla clouds for 2K ro 4k provided by Rudy
  • Optional; a neutral edit on the overcast rain and one fog weather C821f (more will be added in the future. This adjusts the image space to a neutral color tone, but still keeping the vanilla style
  • And adds rain to soulcairn, isn't that cool? Bethesda apparently forgot to add rain to soul cairn weathers tagged as rain type weathers
  • Vanilla colors left intact and should be compatible with any weather mod out there. However, keep in mind that the vanilla colors will look inconsistent with other weather mods. So please look for weather mods that are closer to vanilla if you want to match and combine.

Originally this plugin was made for Ebony ENB, but I felt like I needed a standalone so I can work my ENB for it, perhaps other reshade/CS lovers or ENB preset authors will have fun making something cool for the vanilla weather aesthetic.

I will NOT provide any weather mod patches as this mod is pretty much as is. I might even make further adjustment in the future to correct some vanilla things, color balancing etc etc etc.


  • Semi-compatible with any weather mod, but due to the fact that this retains the vanilla colors it would look inconsistent
  • Compatible with any textures that are doing anything for weathers. Such as clouds, skies, stars, aurora's etc. But the rain drop textures will only affect the light rain, I would recommend not touching that due to the effect of it looking like Drizzle
  • Compatible with Seasonal Weathers Framework, Audio Overhaul and Sounds of Skyrim. Patches provided in the FoMod
  • Compatible with Moons and Stars by Po3

These are old videos but still with the original audio, just to give you an impression:



DrJacopo for the rain particle settings and textures from Cathedral Weathers
Clofas for custom-making the audio files for me! This is truly awesome!
ToosTruus for allowing me to redistribute and combine the Supreme Weathers for Vanilla as standalone weathers in here
Rudy for the upscaled vanilla clouds