About this mod
A unisex OAR-based mod that adds one base sneak animation, with 8 additional variants, and one-of-a-kind transition animations between standing and sneaking, all hand crafted as part of my first animation project. No longer shall thy character snap between the two instantaneously!
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs

If you use TDM's headtracking, it is highly recommended you set the MCM option pictured below to DISABLED! Otherwise there will be visual issues whenever the headtracking kicks in (namely the hand resting on your knee will move with your head, and it looks really stupid.)

INCOMPATIBLE with other sneak idle animation replacers.
COMPATIBLE with weapon-drawn sneak animations as well as movement animations until they are covered by this mod. Should be compatible with pretty much everything else, let me know if there are any issues with overhauls or other gameplay related mods. I'm not a huge sneak person in Skyrim, so I don't dabble much with extensive stealth overhauls, there shouldn't be any problems though.
Currently, this section is only dedicated to a clarification on the Sneak EXIT animation. This animation is different from the others in that it is technically a standing idle, rather than a sneak idle like all the others (It is set to go off only once when you exit sneak, so it shouldn't interfere with any other idle animation replacers, even if they have a lower priority). In order to make sure it plays, I gave it a very high priority in OAR, if this is insufficient in your load order (i.e. another idle replacer mod has a higher priority than it), simply raise the priority of the submod, bigger number means higher priority, just make sure it has the biggest number of any idle animation mod.
Known issues:
1. With some setups, the camera will move slightly down when moving in sneak, currently believed to be a slight mismatch between my animations and the movement ones, this should be resolved when I add movement animations to the mod. I don't think it's a huge problem, I didn't even notice it until it was pointed out to me, but I will fix it when I add movement animations.
Credits and Permissions:
HUGE credit to KRZP1 for the Cascadeur rigs that have made the learning process so much easier: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/121536
And of course thank our lord and savior Ershin for the godsend that is OAR!
Armor re-texture used in the screenshots: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/15121
As far as permissions go, translators are welcome to make their own pages without notifying me, just link to the original mod obviously. If you wish for whatever reason to modify what I've done here, just run it by me first is all I ask.
Future Plans:
Next update: Movement animations, resolve Known Issue #1
Future updates: Redo most of the idle animations/Weapon drawn support for the enter and exit animations, and probably other stuff too.
Contact info:
YouTube Channel: SarcasticDragon Gaming
Discord Server (preferred method of communication):