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About this mod

Constellations - Additional Player Skills For 1.5.97 all credits go to Parapets for the mod, and his open permissions.

Permissions and credits
Constellations - Additional Player Skills For 1.5.97. If you are on 1.5.97 this is the version you should install! It has everything the original has with a few changes. I could not make the skill leveling work because I believe that requires the dll. The DLL is for the latest version of the game which can't be used with 1.5.97. So I removed the dialogue edits, and book edits from the esp. However the new enchantments work fine so I left that in as is. So instead of leveling sills you are able to access the perks from the start. You still need to level up because it uses your vanilla perks. Some perks can not be gotten unless you have certain ones. To access the perk tree you need Custom Skills Menu. Please check the requirements section!!! 
For more info on the mod, and perks check the original mod page https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/117352

Version 2 now has conditions
Athletics- Skill tree perks can be obtained if your light armor is at certain skills for example a perk may require 25 light armor to access.
Hand to Hand-Skill tree perks can be obtained if your one handed is at a certain skills for example a perk may require 25 one handed to access.
Sorcery- -Skill tree perks can be obtained if your enchanting is at a certain skills for example a perk may require 25 enchanting to access.
I also removed all vanilla edits as they are not needed. No need to create a bashed patch because there are no level list edits. Now it makes use of Container Item Distributor, and Spell Perk item Distributor. 
The new necklaces for the enchants can also be crafted at the forge.

Incase you missed it at the top if you're are on 1.5.97 DO NOT INSTALL the original mod. Only use this one. You can download the original to endorse though since parapets made the mod.