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Adds a light version of wolf armor similar to the kind seen in bloodmoon.
Includes wolf an snow wolf varient

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Adds a light version of wolf armor an snow wolf armor to solstheim similar to the kind you would find in the bloodmoon expansion in morrowind. You can craft it, or find it.
Also gives the armor out among the leveled lists, Bujold the chieftainof thirsk now wears a full set as proper to her station instead of basic leather. You can craft this armor by finding wolf pelts an leather. 

Note: Wolf armor requires Advanced Armors perk
Snow Wolf armor requires Arcane Blacksmith Perk for crafting

Snow wolf armor has magical resist frost properties just like in bloodmoon, as its said snow wolves an snow bears have magic pelts that grant cold resistance. 

simply drag contents into skyrim data folder, check an playlet me know of any issues.

Thanks to souldoubt for wolf Helm base came from Sleek wolf additions
I just tweaked it a bit to match my armor, an retextured it.