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About this mod

Follower Dialogue Customize (FDC) is a mod that helps you create dialogue so you can freely enjoy conversations with a variety of followers.
Followers, who are merely combat support units, are transformed into adventure partners who can converse with you according to the location and situation.

V2.0 has been redesigned for even use.

Permissions and credits
1.12 Urgent fix
We apologize!
We have confirmed that "FDC_FB1_Dismiss.pex", "FDC_FB1_Trade.pex" and "FDC_FB1_Wait.pex" from 01.FDC-Dialogue Pack 01 (FB1) 2.0.A are missing from the script folder.
We have uploaded the script folder containing the above scripts as an optional file, so please overwrite it after downloading.
I'm very sorry!
申し訳ございません!01.FDC-Dialogue Pack 01 (FB1) 2.0.Aの「FDC_FB1_Dismiss.pex」「FDC_FB1_Trade.pex」「FDC_FB1_Wait.pex」がscriptフォルダから抜け落ちているのを確認いたしました。

We have completed the creation of all 15 types.
We have thoroughly reviewed the contents of all dialogue packs and fixed various bugs (v2.0.A)

We are currently publishing the details of additional topics for the next update (v2.01) in the post.
We are looking for everyone's opinions and requests, so if you have any requests such as ``I want this kind of conversation included'' or ``I don't want this kind of conversation,'' please feel free to write.
We will do our best to address your requests.

Currently, there is a problem with the sound code of the Hello topic of Relationship Marriage being duplicated, which will take some time to resolve.
There is no problem unless you are making these three topics into custom voices, so you can continue to use them as is until the problem is resolved.

About this MOD
Follower Dialogue Customize (FDC) is a MOD created to help you create conversations so you can enjoy free conversations with various followers.
SKYRIM has many follower MODs registered, and they will help you as your travel companions.
However, with the exception of some custom followers, most of them only have the same conversations, so don't you get bored?
And have you ever spoken to your followers for purposes other than giving orders?
Wouldn't you like to be able to talk about more things with your followers?
This MOD replaces these followers, who are just combat support units, with voice types that add various conversation conditions, transforming them into adventure partners who can have conversations tailored to the location and situation.

Recommended points
1. I want to give my followers individuality!
During your journey, your follower talks to you.
"I made a wish in the town well that a golden knight came to take me to his castle. Oh, does it spoil the wish if I tell?"
"Hey, is that popular? You're the fifth person to tell that story!"
FDC offers multiple new voice types, allowing you to freely edit the lines of up to 15 characters!
Furthermore, edited conversations can be re-edited, so you can always rewrite them into new conversations.

2. I want the dialogue to match the situation!
In SKYRIM, there aren't many lines that match the situation.
Even if I walk in the pouring rain, he never complains and stays with me even late at night...maybe he really wants to say that he wants to go to a hotel and rest early.
Also, whether I'm in a castle or a shop, my reaction is basically the same as usual.
With FDC, you can have conversations that combine time of day and weather, and you can even have conversations tailored to where you are, such as inside an inn or a store!

3. I want to have sweet conversations with my lover!
SKYRIM's big event, the wedding!
But even if you get married, you won't really feel it because your lines will change a little when you talk to them, right?
In FDC, we have increased the number of situations where the conversation between married followers and players changes.
We are also making changes to make marriage even more romantic.

4. Match your conversations with cosplay followers to their characters!
There are many costumes in Skyrim, some of which are based on anime and manga characters.
However, when you talk to them, the answer you get is always the same... That boring routine is over today.
Have them cosplay as you like and edit the lines to match that cosplay! 
"Follow me. I need your help." 
"I ask you. Are you my master?"
Recommended for those who want to be particular about this kind of conversation!

5. I like creating settings, but creating followers is difficult!
I'm sure there are people who enjoy SKYRIM who think, "I've thought up various follower settings, but I don't really understand how to create followers."
If that's the case, why not try making that setting speak in FDC?
You can easily introduce various backstories, such as an avenger, a princess from a lost country, or the player's childhood friend.
If you make it well, it might be a good idea to make it public!
Please note that the only thing you can change is the lines, and you cannot create a quest that matches them.

6. Try a custom voice!
Now that you've taken the time to create lines, you'll want to add a voice to your character, right?
But don't know how to do that? Don't worry, FDC will help you easily create custom voices for your followers!
Your adventure will undoubtedly be made even more enjoyable if your favorite follower can speak your favorite lines.
...As expected, we cannot prepare the audio source, so please use text-to-speech apps and sites on the Internet.

Main File Guide
・FDC-Guide 2.0
Includes a manual on how to use FDC, explanations of various topics, and dummy Lip files required for custom voice creation.
Please read this before installing FDC.

・Follower Dialogue Customize 2.0
This is the core part of FDC.
This compiles common items for each voice type of FDC and the voice types themselves.
FDC works by combining this Follower Dialogue Customize with FDC-Dialogue Pack.

・FDC-Dialogue Pack○○○ 2.0
This is a module pack for FDC.
This pack compiles the dialogue, scripts, quests, voice lists, and other items necessary for operation of each voice type.
Use in combination with Follower Dialogue Customize 2.0.

Optional File Guide
・FDC Follower talk example text (FB1) 2.0
FDC-Dialogue Pack 01 (FB1) This is an XML file with the motif of a new adventurer follower for 2.0 only.
Import it into xTranslator.

・FDC-Dialogue Pack Adventurer (FB1) 2.0
This is a pre-built dialogue pack with a motif of a follower of a new adventurer dedicated to voice type "FDC_Type01_FemaleBasic1 (FB1)".
It cannot be used at the same time as FDC-Dialogue Pack 01 (FB1) 2.0, which uses the same voice type, so please install only one of them.

・FDC-Dialogue Omit Patch 2.0
This is a patch to safely omit unnecessary topics.
Please read the manual inside carefully before using.

・FDC-Default Recovery Patch 2.0
This is a patch to return edited topics to their default state.
Please read the manual inside carefully before using.


・SSEEdit Required to change voice type, nothing can be done without this You will also need it when making various changes.
・Fuz Ro D-oh This dialogue does not have voice, so it is required.
However, if you have made it into a custom voice, it will not be required.
・Follower MODs other than custom voice followers Get your favorite followers ready However, it cannot be used for custom voice followers as described in "Compatibility" below.

・xTranslator Helps you edit your conversations.

Basically, it cannot be used with custom voice followers, as it changes the voice type that is referenced in the conversation.
It may be possible to use it with followers whose conversation condition is actor, not voice type, but it is not recommended.
You can use it if you don't mind not being able to use the custom voice follower's exclusive conversations or events.

How to install and use this mod
This mod is designed to be installed using MO2 Please refer to the FDC-Manual for detailed instructions with images on how to install, load order, how to use, etc.

You can uninstall it at any time.
FDC has no effect on followers other than those that have been converted to FDC.
However, when uninstalling, please also delete or reinstall any followers that have been converted to FDC.

FDC Followers-Alicia 
A trial follower has been created.
It is now compatible with FDC2.0

License of use
FDC is a free mod, so feel free to upload text using FDC or incorporate it into your own follower mod You don't need my permission to use it.
In fact, I would be happy if the number of followers who can have fulfilling conversations with this increases.
However, when uploading text based on a specific follower MOD created by someone else, please obtain permission from the creator of that follower MOD.

★FDC has been relaunched as v2.0!
FDC v2.0 was created as a new MOD to avoid confusion with v1.0, because the file structure has changed significantly from v1.0, which has changed the ID and voice file.
The biggest difference is that FDC itself is based on voice Type, and the remaining dialogue, script, etc. are divided into module packs.
By minimizing the need to depend on the main body, it is now possible to create packs in a form that is close to standalone, and it is now easier to add voice Types and customize Quests using the Creation Kit.
Furthermore, adding follower data to the pack will also help with creating custom voice followers.
I also created a special patch to delete topics that players feel are unnecessary.
The dialogue patch that was available in v1.06 has been discontinued.
I had proposed the idea of ​​creating multiple characters by switching dialogue patches, but with the increase in topics with flag elements such as marriage and affection events, it has become inappropriate to operate multiple characters with dialogue patches.

◯ Why didn't you make it completely stand alone?
The reason I linked it to FDC instead of making it completely standalone was because I wanted to be able to use one master.
The current SSEEdit cannot delete the master and requires CK, so we have unified the master to make it difficult to make unnecessary mistakes in mastering and to make it easier to set voice Type.
Furthermore, it was necessary to prepare a master file in order to have items common to multiple voice Types.

◯ List of changes
・Separate files for each voice type from the FDC main unit.
・Changed "bond of affection" to "affection event item" and made it independent for each voice type.
・Created a patch to safely delete topics.
・Created a patch to restore deleted or modified topics to their default state.

Future plans
● Implement the remaining voiceType07 to 15
●Create a patch for a sample follower with plenty of personality, including motions and facial expressions.
●Create a follower that can be tried immediately for FDC (create it as a separate mod to use beautification mods, etc.)
●Add a topic patch as an option (FDC-Advanced)


Follower Dialogue Customize(FDC)は様々なフォロワーとの自由な会話を楽しむ為の会話作成を支援するために作成したMODです






6 .カスタムボイスに挑戦しよう!

・FDC-Guide 2.0
 FDCの使用方法について書かれたマニュアルと各種トピックの説明、カスタムボイス化の際に必要なダミーLipファイルが入っています FDCをインストールする前に必ずお読みください

・Follower Dialogue Customize 2.0
 FDCはこのFollower Dialogue CustomizeとFDC-Dialogue Packの組み合わせで機能します

・FDC-Dialogue Pack○○○ 2.0
 Follower Dialogue Customize 2.0と組み合わせて使用します

・FDC Follower talk example text (FB1) 2.0
 FDC-Dialogue Pack 01 (FB1) 2.0専用の新人冒険者のフォロワーをモチーフとしたXMLファイルです

・FDC-Dialogue Pack Adventurer (FB1) 2.0
 voice Type「FDC_Type01_FemaleBasic1(FB1)」専用の新人冒険者のフォロワーをモチーフとした構築済みダイアログパックです
 同じvoice Typeを使用するFDC-Dialogue Pack 01 (FB1) 2.0とは同時に使用できないのでどちらかだけをインストールしてください

・FDC-Dialogue Omit Patch 2.0

・FDC-Default Recovery Patch 2.0


・Fuz Ro D-oh
 お気に入りのフォロワーを用意し てください ただし、下記の「互換性」にある通り、カスタムボイスフォロワーには使用できません






FDC Followers-Alicia 

FDCv2.0はv1.0からファイル構成を大きく変更したことによりIDやvoice fileが変わってしまった為、V1.0との混同を避ける為に新しいMODとして誕生させました
その最大の違いはFDC本体をVoice Typeのホームとし、残りのdialogueやscriptをパックとして分割した事です
本体に依存する必要が最小限になったことでスタンドアローンに近い形でパックを作成できるようになり、Creation Kitを使ってのvoice Typeの追加やQuestのカスタム化などがやりやすくなりました

更には複数のvoice Type共通のアイテムを持たせるにもマスターファイルを用意が必要でした

