File information
Created by
HiShutUp Arindel Dr MegaloblastUploaded by
DrJacopoVirus scan
If you find any obsidian mountain fogs obscuring certain areas etc, please get the FormID of the fog (via console) and post them below.
I will check periodically for any contributions and update the plugin accordingly. Thanks
Question: Why isn't this mod marked as an esm/fe?, it contains 7 new records and could easily be compacted down. Unless there is some other reason?
it's super easy to backup your installed file. compact it to espfe/esl, and then test. if it works.. YAY! If not, delete your change and restore the backup.
I'll never understand why people make hassling comments like this, when they could just as easily do it themselves. If you don't know how to change an esp to espfe/esl, then it's time to learn. -
There are these things called "best practices," you see.
TBF I don't get why people complain about people complaining like they're not just doing the same thing. Except your response contributes nothing, at least their comment could be insightful.
Also in agreeance that Luinne's response is unnecessary. SrEthryan asked a valid question. Wasn't "how do I eslify?" He was asking if it was safe to do so and if there's not a reason already. Obviously if he can mention "records" then he's already gotten as far as digging into xedit.
Check out: elwaps' Patches and Fixes
I prefer the 1.01 version, the mountain fog is thicker but I like it that way. I tried version 1.02 and it was barely noticeable and very see through, 1.01 worked better with my enb setup. 1.02 would probably look better with a different enb but I don't know.
Is it integrated in Cathedral Weathers?
Could the authore remove the fog mesh from this place (right in the middle of the screenshot) and from Markarth in whole? It's the Understone Keep entrance.Spoiler:Show
Does this complement Azurite Weathers or is it obsolete if you use that mod
@DrJacopo cool thanks. Request: please change name of the mod file to 'Obsidian Mountain Fogs' or similar instead of just 'obsi' if possible. I had trouble finding all my fog mods in Vortex and I am sure I am not alone
sheeeesh so that's why the call it high hrothgar
mod looks great, the mountains look way better this way -
So is there any difference between this and the tweaked version now ?
I'm new to modding Skyrim SE or Skyrim in general, and I want my game to look as good as these screenshots but after I downloaded it the mountain fog is like Barely there. I want is to be thick clouds stuck to the mountains but its just a pathetic spray on fog so faint you have to try to look at it. Am I doing something wrong or are these screenshots with thick mountain fog a specific weather event or setting?